63. What Took You So Long Daddy? R18.

"Mom is hading home to cook some food for my Dad before he wakes up. Should we get something to eat as well?"

"Let's head over to the nearest restaurant," Kevin replied and turned towards the nearest elevator. However, he felt Dahlia tugging on his shirt.

"No, wait. Can we eat at home? I want to make you a meal."

"You want to cook for me?"

Dahlia nodded as her cheeks became heated after hearing Kevin say those words.

[Ooh, seems like your charm is working quite well on her. Your valiant act of saving her dear old dad has unlocked her female instinct to mate with a dependable partner.]

[She's definitely going to let you hump her tonight.]

'Can't you say something that doesn't have to do with s.e.x?'

[Hmm, let me think about it for a minute.]


'You're totally having fun with this right now, aren't you?'

[Hehehe] The parasite chuckled.

Kevin simply rolled his eyes in exasperation and turned towards Dahlia. "Alright, let's go home."