62. Expecting Some Updates.

Dahlia's Dad had a high risk of having another cardiac arrest which was why he needed surgery as soon as possible.

Yvonne had been worried sick about how she would come up with the money needed for the surgery, but now that it had been paid, she could finally relax a bit and pray that the surgery would be successful.

Yvonne was currently sitting on a bench, silently praying for the doctor to return with positive news.

Kevin and Dahlia were seated a few meters away from her.

Dahlia was staring at the floor, she couldn't summon the courage to look at Kevin's face after all he had done for her. "Thank you, I promise to…"

Kevin quickly interjected "I am not doing you a favour. I'll be expecting you to pay me back with interest."

She didn't like being in such a hopeless state, but when she had thought that there was no one she could turn to, Kevin had helped even though she hadn't asked him to.