121. Amy's Choice.

Amy knew that Kevin was strong enough to take care of himself, but she had been shocked to hear that he was willing to help her seek revenge on the man she hated the most for as long as she could remember.

There was no way she wouldn't want him to suffer like her parents did.

But, there was still something she couldn't understand.

"How do you plan to do it? Do you have anything in mind?"

Kevin smiled in return. It seemed she was interested in having revenge after all.

"Come closer, and I'll whisper it into your ears."

Amy smiled at him as she was excited to hear what he had to say.

She leaned closer to his lips and listened.


Amy's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets in shock, and her cheeks reddened like never before as she suddenly pulled her head back in surprise to take a good look at Kevin.

"You really want to do that?"

He nodded with a smile and asked. "What's wrong? You don't like it?"