122. Best Massage.

A few hours later, Sasha walked out of her apartment building to find Kevin's car parked outside.

"Good afternoon." She greeted Kevin.

"Good afternoon, you look beautiful," He complimented her before opening the car door for Sasha to take a seat.

"Thanks," she replied with a blush on her face while buckling her seat belt.

Before Kevin decided to pick her up, he previously thought of sending the address of his hotel to her but then thought better of it since he had a few things he wanted to see on his own.

He wanted to know if Sasha was being followed by Brian Stark's men.

Upon arriving at Sasha's apartment, he was certain that she had a couple of Brian Stark's men watching her every movement from a distance.

He knew Brian Stark had his men scattered around the city in search of Amy.

And someone like Sasha was a person Amy could run to in order to hide away from Brian Stark.