136. Kevin Vs Brian Stark 3.

But that didn't hinder his spirit in any way as he asked the question that had been on his mind for a while now.

"Was Christopher Mormon the one who devised the plan for Vanessa to seduce my dad?"

"I don't think so. It should be the other guy standing beside him. Although, it is simply an assumption. I never really bothered to ask too many questions about what they did."

"Why were you there that night? It doesn't look to me like you had any part to play in running after my family's wealth."

"No, I didn't. In fact, I never knew the others were involved in such a thing until Christopher invited me that night."

"He informed me of their bizarre cause for celebration and invited me to come take part in it. We were going to be future business partners and I didn't want anything that would hinder the relationship I was trying to build, so I accepted the invitation."