137. Kevin Vs Brian Stark 4.

But just before Brian Stark could land a crushing blow on him, Kevin rolled away once again. However, this time, he changed the layout of his fabricated reality into something else.

This made Brian Stark slam his fist into the dusty arena of a coliseum, leaving behind a huge crater on the floor.

Feeling perplexed, Brian Stark slowly rose to the full height of his beast form to scan his surroundings, and to his surprise, he wasn't in the fancy room where he and Kevin had been having a drink a few seconds ago but was now standing at the center of an arena.

Because he was perplexed by how he suddenly got here, he failed to notice when Kevin lifted his body from the ground and leaped towards him, aiming his fist towards Brian Stark's face. However, Brian Stark raised his black hairy arms in time to guard and reduce the force of the punch aimed towards his face.