138. Kevin Vs Brian Stark 5.

Kevin changed the layout once again, causing them to return to the Coliseum. But unlike last time when there were several cracks and craters around the arena, this time around, the cracks had been repaired and the arena was looking as good as new.

Kevin tossed Brian Stark's exhausted body to the ground and he began to cough out water from his mouth and nostrils right after his back slammed into the hard floor of the arena.

But just before he could get a good glimpse of his surroundings, a huge colossal foot stomped him into the ground, making the earth tremble with heavy impact the colossal giant feet made to the ground.

The giant repeatedly continued to stomp on him for several minutes, and as time went by, more warning notifications popped up in front of Kevin.

[Warning!! You're running out of MP.]

[Warning!! You're running out of MP.]