156. What Did You Say? 2.

"That man isn't my father," Kevin muttered to himself and the parasite heard his words and she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

[What did you say?]

[Why would you say that?]

"Do you know that for as long as I can remember, my Dad has never called me by my name,"

" He has always called me with a nickname he made for me,"

" It's almost like how Uncle Lucky calls me 'Kiddo' a lot of times, but Dad's own was different. He never called me Kevin,"

"But that thing that hugged me wasn't my Dad,"

[I understand that your dad didn't call you by the nickname you've been familiar with for years, but I'm sure you understand that he's had a lot on his hands.

With the sales of his company and the meeting he's had to attend after being dismissed from the hospital, Don't you think, maybe he just forgot to....]