155. What Did You Say?

The secretary was holding her tablet and reading the schedules Max had planned for the day.

But as they were walking to an elevator, a voice sounded from behind them.


Max, the secretary and a few of his guards turned around and noticed Uncle Lucky standing right next to Kevin.

Max urged them to come closer, with his aim to make sure the press couldn't get a good angle to take a picture of all three of them.

Once Max was sure they couldn't take a photo of either of them, Max walked closer to them.

"Sir, you have a meeting within the next three minutes," The blonde hair secretary reminded him, trying to make him recall how important this meeting was.

"It's okay Veronica, I'll only be taking a minute," Max assures her with a smile before turning towards Kevin and Uncle Lucky.

" Baby bro, I'm so happy to see you again," Max hugged Uncle Lucky who hugged him back in return.