172. Kevin Vs Vanessa.

The timer stopped with three seconds left, and a huge sigh of relief escaped from Vanessa's lips.

She instantly untied the ropes binding Sasha's hands and legs before removing the cloth tied around her mouth as well.

Looking closely, Vanessa could see several cuts and bruises on Sasha's once beautiful and clear skin. She was barely able to summon enough courage to withhold the tears which were on the brink of coursing down her cheeks.

And just from the look of Sasha's physical condition, Vanessa couldn't even begin to fathom the amount of horror Sasha had gone through for her to be in such a pitiful state.

She hated herself for not being there for her sister when she needed her the most, but that wouldn't be for long because Vanessa would make sure that the man who did this to Sasha would regret ever laying hands on her sister.

Vanessa cradled Sasha's limp body closer before gently tapping her cheeks to wake her up.