173. Kevin Vs Vanessa 2.

"But you'll have to be punished for making me wait longer than I originally intended to."

Sasha flinched at the mention of the word 'punished' but she nodded her head timidly. An evil grin curled on Kevin's face behind his mask when he turned his head to look behind Sasha and noticed the enraged look on Vanessa's face as she continued glaring at him.

'Oh, this is going to be good,' He thought to himself, admiring the priceless expression on Vanessa's face before turning back to Sasha.

"Let's go," He ordered in a deep husky voice before removing his arms from around Sasha, while Sasha merely nodded her head before trailing right behind him.

However, the moment she tried to leave she suddenly felt her hand being pulled from behind, and when she turned around, she noticed that it was Vanessa.

"She's going nowhere," Vanessa declared, glaring straight into the masked man's eyes.

Did he really think he could take Sasha away without a fight?