182. Master's Little Brother Is Big.

"M-may I accompany you into the bathroom? I promise that you won't regret it."

Vanessa timidly asked, and when Kevin looked into her eyes he noticed that she had her reasons for wanting to follow him into the bathroom.

'You may," He replied, his interest now piqued, as he wanted to find out what she had in mind.

The two of them went into the bathroom, where Kevin sat at the edge of the bathtub, his legs touching the ground while Vanessa squatted in front of him, stark n.a.k.e.d, as she gazed at his 'huge' little brother which was dangling in front of her.

"I knew it. Master's little brother is big," Vanessa unknowingly uttered her thoughts out loud as she marveled at the sight of Kevin's engorged shaft.

She had assumed that it would be big, and now that it was standing erect in front of her, she couldn't take her eyes off Kevin's magnificent rod.