183. Vanessa's Awakened Form.

Right after she gulped down Kevin's huge amount of semen, Vanessa opened her mouth so she could reveal to Kevin that not a single drop of his milk was left in her mouth.

Noticing this, Kevin stretched his arm towards her head and patted it, causing a self-satisfied grin to appear on Vanessa's lips as she was happy with Kevin's reaction.

Since Kevin did such a thing, didn't it mean that he liked it? Vanessa wondered and her curiosity got the best of her.

"Was it good?" She inquired, looking up at Kevin's face while anticipating his response.

Kevin nodded with a grin and replied. "It was."

His response caused the smile on Vanessa's face to widen because she knew that she would surely be rewarded the moment they left the bathroom.

The both of them took a quick shower before heading back to Kevin's room.


Vanessa was currently lying on her back on Kevin's bed, staring up at Kevin who was directly on top of her.