186. A Knock.

"Ahhhh!!!..... Master!!!....." Vanessa tightened her grip on Kevin's forearms as he continued to ride her, expanding her inner walls to accommodate the size of his monstrous member.

Kevin continued to do this for the next half hour, making the both of them oblivious to everything around them, as the only thing that remained on their minds was their desire to attain their climax.

Neither of them could hear anything that was going on around them. All they could hear was the sound of flesh hitting flesh while the sound of Vanessa's moans reverberated throughout the room.

The creaking sound of the bed as it moved back and forth could be heard as well, as a wave of desire swept over Kevin's body, increasing his movement and making it more fierce and violent.

Vanessa could only submit to it all, but one thing was certain, and that was the fact that Vanessa was really enjoying it.