187. Sisters.

Trust me. My stamina has no limits,'

'I can see that,' Sasha replied before walking closer to Kevin. 'But I do not know why you chose to carry out our plans without me,'

Sasha pouted, recalling that she and Kevin had agreed to work together to plot a revenge on Vanessa.

But right after their intense session last night, Kevin left the room, noticing she was asleep without even bothering to wake her up.

But seeing as how Kevin was currently humping Vanessa, it was easy for her to assume Kevin had succeeded in doing what he had in mind.

'You seemed tired while you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up,'

'And whose fault was it?' Sasha raised a brow, her eyes still locked onto Kevin with an intense glare.

'Hey, you can't blame a man doing his duty in pleasing his woman,' Kevin shrugged with a smile before adding. 'And besides, you were the one urging me to go faster and deeper last night, remember?" He asked with a grin.