188. Drake Is In Shock. R18.

Meanwhile, Vanessa had fallen asleep after cumming for countless number of times. Her body had never felt so amazing and refreshed before.

It was the first time she had ever felt this way after s.e.x.

She never anticipated Kevin's little brother would be so splendid.

But after embarking on an intense session with Kevin, It now felt like she was a completely different person.

Moreover, talking to Kevin and having him around seemed to soothe her heart way more than she had expected.

She never even thought a day would come when she would be given a role like the one Kevin gave to her.

And to her greatest surprise, she was loving every second of it.

Vanessa also didn't know Kevin was communicating with Sasha while he was diligently moving his hips behind her.

And Vanessa also wasn't aware of what Kevin and Sasha were currently doing on the other side of the bed as her body was too exhausted to stay awake.
