215. Christopher Mormon 2.

Wolfgang pulled him up, allowing Christopher to lean his back against the bed behind him.

But there was still water in his hair and the water flowed down his face, dripping from his chin to the floor.

He had no clothes on his body, aside from his briefs.

Once the water dripping from his hair finally stopped, he opened his eyes once again to find himself surrounded by men dressed in suits and glaring at him with murderous intent.

His heart began to beat faster when he noticed every one of them holding a gun in their hands.

Were they going to kill him? He wondered, but Christopher couldn't recall offending anyone to the point that they would resort to treating him like this.

It didn't make sense to him why anyone would want to have him killed. While he was trying to recall any past event that might have caused the predicament he currently found himself in, Wolfgang's voice suddenly brought his attention towards him.