216. Christopher Mormon 3.

"Who sent you?" He asked after seeing that he was out of options.

"No one sent us," Kevin replied him back.

"Then how did you know?"

"We've been watching you for quite some time now. In fact, it's safe to say we know a lot about you and the dark history of your past events,"

For the past few weeks, Victoria had been subtly studying him, trying to find out everything she could about Christopher Mormon, and she used the mask Kevin gave her to blend in with everyone else in the company and dig up a thing or two about his past.

When things got a bit difficult for her, Kevin sent one of Cerberus clones to aid her in her findings.

And with Cerberus clone with her, she could hop into Christopher Mormon's shadow and hear things he wouldn't normally speak off in front of other people, but only when he was alone in his office or anywhere else.

"What?" Christopher Mormon uttered in disbelief.

"Do you see those syringes?"