226. Deimos Vs Kevin

Cerberus noticed both Angelica and Deimos were currently preoccupied with what they were saying and so thought it would be better to use this chance to escape but Deimos noticed him in time before he could spring his plan into action.

"Not so fast,"

Huge chains erupted out of the ground and wrapped around Cerberus body, squeezing him until his body vanishes into nothing.

"A clone?" Deimos uttered in surprise and wandered his gaze around the room until he found a shadow slithering towards the dark corner of the room adjacent to where Angelica was.

"Found you,"

A huge ball of lightning hovered above Deimos head and shot straight to Cerberus, but two heads popped up right beside the first and balls of flames materialized as their mouths opens.

The attacks collided, causing a huge explosion which released a strong gust of wind, shattering all the glasses and glass windows in the penthouse.

"Not bad. I can see why he kept you as a pet,"