227. Kevin Vs Angelica.

[As much as I would love for you to cuddle with your new partner, I don't think the city would last that long before everything crumbles to dust,]


[She called you darling right now, didn't she?]

'But I don't know why she's calling me that. Also, her grip is surprisingly strong but she isn't hugging me in a way that would hurt.'

'At first, I had a feeling she might actually be my mother but the Emotector skill was detecting lust from her and I doubt those are the kind of feelings a mother would have for a child,'

[They're not,]

'Then why is she acting like this?'

[You can ask that later. For now, there are other matters that needs your attention. You just need to know she isn't your enemy and she'll be happy to answer all of your question,]

'You sound like you know something,'

[,....] The system silence made Kevin certain he was right about his assumption.