234. Preparing For The Wedding.

Kevin and Amy both stepped into the car and Wolfgang zoomed off, leaving behind the flock of women who waved goodbye as the vehicle dwarfed into the distance.

However, there were a couple of them who wished they were the lucky ones who got to have a free ride with Kevin out of campus.

But one could only imagine how their reactions would be once they find out Kevin's true identity to be that of Kevin Lannister, the current richest man alive.

"How was your day?" Kevin asked as he slowly wraps his arm around Amy's waist, pulling her closer to take a seat on his lap.

"Hectic and boring as always," Amy replied happily with a smile, wrapping her arms around Kevin for support and comfort while her head rests on his shoulders.

Kevin's presence alone was a soothing sight to behold and Amy didn't want to let go of him.


Kevin smiled hearing her response but a sudden thought popped up in Amy's head.