235. Ruler Of The Omniverse.

It's been a week since he last slept with any of his woman so Kevin was a bit worried he might have gone overboard with the way he humped her just now.

However Amy could handle this much of intense action coming from Kevin because even though he was rough, Kevin was still vigilant enough to watch her closly and to ensure the pleasure within her only heightens and not decline.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking," she replied, comforting Kevin with her words before adding.

"In fact, it was amazing and I feel satisfied,"

Hearing those words coming out of Amy's lips, a pleasing smile bloomed on Kevin's face, knowing this much was expected.

"Will you be impregnating me tonight?" Amy asked worryingly, recalling the time Kevin informed everyone in his harem of how he had been having sex with them while deactivating his sperm before releasing them.

"Of course," Kevin replied to ease her worries before adding.