New job

"what?" he could understand his own part for needing a job but why would the owner of the business be needing another job unless.....unless

" did he threaten to take away his investments..." Noah blurted out grabbing Luke's shirt in horror.He didn't know much but according to what another delivery guy had told him, Mr Luke's wife had evaded tax and stuffs and also ran away with a lot of money leaving Mr Luke with an insanely huge debt before some savior had swooped in to save him...

The manager clicked his tongue and swatted Noah's hand off his shirt.he smoothened the part that was now rumpled before giving an answer "he demanded that I fire you or give up my restaurant..." he looked in Noah's eyes and smirked "I told him he could shove it up his ugly ass"

Noah held his head in his two hands and sighed.he was really exhausted and this stubborn man sitting next to him looking so smug for insulting his investor was making him more tired

"I quit" he suddenly got up

"if you won't fire me then I quit" he won't be dragging someone else down with him just because that person was kind.

"wow, didn't know you were such a drama queen" was the manager amused reply.



It was well past 6pm when he walked out of the neighborhood grocery store at the rich neighborhood his new boss had directed him to and luckily for him,it was only fifteen minutes walk from there to his house.

After he'd told Mr Luke that he'll quit instead,the man had picked on him and then insisted that he did two more delivery before sending him off to a close friend of his who luckily also needed a delivery guy for his grilled chicken business.

His new boss,Thomas whose business wasn't as big as where he was coming from,Thus his pay wasn't as big either had comforted him and sent him to a grocery store he saw needing a part-timer who can work from six pm till 11pm.

And so at the end of the day, he got two jobs and the sum of his pay was more that what Mr Luke was paying him and that made him at least happy.



"just a second please" he said before he finally looked up from the register in front of him. He stated the amount and collected the money. he handed the change back to the customer in front him before packing their grocery and handing out with a bright smile.

He pulled out his phone to text his mother to tell her not wait up and go to bed as he had been doing ever since he started this job when he heard the all but familiar voice .

he looked up and behold, it was 'jerk Jackson' walking up towards the counter while speaking on his phone.The guy actually looked different, relaxed infact.

But the moment Zamir he got to the counter though and saw who was there, his face turned sour again but he continued his call in the sweet tone nonetheless.

"Hello sir" Noah greeted as soon as he was done with his call.

"what are you doing here?" was the response he was quick to get

"I work here....sir" Noah added after contemplating.Ofcourse he wasn't ready to lose another job because of this obviously unhappy bastard

Noah began checking his grocery, bag of chips,drinks,more expensive wine...he didn't comment though,he just packed them and...

"that'll be..."

"what do I have to do to stop seeing your fucking face ?"

Noah smiled, contrary to what he was actually feeling "i'm so sorry" he said

yeah he seemed to be apologizing a lot lately

"what are you being sorry for?" Zamir all but continued his irate bitching without any care.He kept tearing at the poor young man who stood behind the counter with a creepy smile plastered to his face

"....does it give you so much joy to see people lose their source of livelihood Mr Jackson?" Noah nearly shouted but quickly apologized again after he realized what he had done.

Another customer came and Noah quickly moved to attend to her while ignoring the silently fuming man that was ready to pounce on him at the nearest opportunity.

Noah made sure to stand far away,so he wouldn't be getting another cheek bruised tonight but it seemed he didn't need to because Zamir only slammed the money and took his things before stomping out of the store.

he didn't even take his change...


An entire month had passed and 'jerk Jackson' who is a regular at the store, had kept seeing more of his face due to the time he always did his shopping. He'd even suggested a time frame to do his shopping so Zamir wouldn't have to see him and that only earned him a glare in return but nothing more.

It was almost as if the guy lost all willingness to speak whenever he comes to the store.Noah couldn't be more thankful,that means he'll be holding this job for longer than he had thought.

"Evening to you sir" Noah greeted the ever scowling man as he dropped his grocery basket on the counter one night but like other times ,he didn't get a response other than his money being slammed on the counter.

Business was slower than usual tonight because of the looked like it was going to rain anytime soon. so tonight, no other customer was around when 'jerk Jackson' walked in all his glory in a casual outfit.

Zamir grabbed his items and rushed out but he hadn't taken five steps out of the store when it suddenly started pouring and heavily.he had to run back inside the store to avoid getting drenched in the rain.

He checked his wristwatch,it was past eleven.he should have just settled for whatever he could hunt for inside his refrigerator but he was hellbent on coming out to...well... let's just forget about his reason.

He jumped when someone suddenly touched him "what the fuck man..." he hissed at the definitely not gorgeous dude that was..... wearing that annoying smile again... and apologizing... again!

"it's a heavy one eh?" the oblivious young man asked looking out.he had his backpack on and looked like he was ready to leave too... well not until the rain stopped

"do you always have to smile like an idiot?... and all the time?" Zamir shot back with a question of his own instead.