Rainy night

Noah had to admit, he was quiet surprised.he definitely wasn't expecting that one and that wasn't the reaction he was hoping for either.

Actually he'd touch 'jerk Jackson' on purpose and pretended like they were some great pals and threw a small comment in the air while ignoring the juicy glare that was being directed his way.

He'd done this knowing Zamir would readily pounce on him and angrily marched out into the rain, that way he could lock up and go home too, he'd had a long day and he seriously tired but he hadn't just expect 'jerk Jackson' would shoot back at him with an 'half angry question'.

Atleast he'd have given him an umbrella....well, there goes his chance.

He smiled again and got an eye roll from Zamir.Neither of them said anything for a while and just stood there,side by side by glass door looking outside, watching the rain pour heavily.

"I don't want to lose this job, that's why" Noah said looking in Zamir's direction briefly before turning to look outside again

"that's why what?"

He looked at guy standing next to him hugging himself "do you feel cold?"

"it's bloody raining what do you expect?" Zamir shouted

Noah nearly jumped out of his skin when he was suddenly yelled at,He dropped his backpack on the ground and disappeared somewhere inside the store.

When he came back,he was holding a sweater and without asking,he shoved it into Zamir's chest and grabbed away the grocery bag from him "wear that" he said "that should keep you a bit warm"

"it's not mine, it's new" he added upon seeing 'jerk Jackson" pulled up his upper lip in disgust.


"I've been smiling more...at you especially....and apologizing more, infact, because I can't afford to lose this job just because you don't like me or my face"

"some of us are a little down the chain and don't have a company of our own" Noah said after a while to cut of the silence that has settled once more between them

"if you're doing your job well and fixed your ugly attitude, you won't..." Zamir began but he was cut off suddenly when Noah said "all I did was bump into you"

"I was the one who got assaulted...twice, I was the one who apologized but I was also the one who lost his job" Noah laughed bitterly,it was all he could do anyway.

"..." Zamir who always had a comeback for this jerk with either his words or silence could do neither,he kept opening his mouth to speak but he was short of words for once in his life.

"and so I was trying to do everything to make sure I don't get on your bad side again... but if you're saying it's too much, then i'll adjust" Noah continued to talk, taking advantage of the other's silence

"as long as I don't lose this job...sir". he finally turned and looked at Zamir who up till now only stood next to him and said nothing.

another silence stretched between them as Zamir couldn't utter a word and Noah just let him be.

"we should go" he said after the rain finally stopped.


Noah's phone rang in his pocket and he pulled it out.

picking it he said "i'm on my way..."

"... it was raining, would you rather I...." he was cut short by a loud sound of screeching tyres in the distance, from the direction of where he was coming from..."jerk Jackson" he muttered

"hey mom i'll be home soon okay" he said into the phone and ended the call. he didn't even wait to think and immediately ran back towards the direction of the noise.....

He wasn't that far away from the scene and when he got there,he saw a familiar figure laying on the ground with his hands covering his ears and shaking violently.

the contents in the bag where scattered everywhere but there was also another person bent over Zamir and trying to pull him up to no avail.

Noah ran up to them and pushed the stranger off Zamir and started checking his body for any injury or broken bones. while he was doing this, the car driver who now looked sober from whatever he had consumed that night was offering all kinds of explanation "I didn't hit him I swear...he ..he was t..the one who walked straight into the road without looking...we should take him to the...." the man continuous babbling was making his head ache so ....

"....ugghh..... please i didn't do anything to him" The man begged after Noah connected his fist with his face

"fuck off....now" and that had the man scrambling to his feet and straight into his car without looking back.

Noah turned his attention back to the trembling man he was holding.who would have thought, mighty 'jerk Jackson' could be like this.


what was his first name again? 'aah no matter' Noah sighed loudly and pulled him closer to his chest.'he was actually slimmer than he looked' Noah realized, and very fragile it seems.

Asking him if he could walk or any other thing for that matter was out of the question,so Noah got up slowly and turned to pull Zamir onto his back.


Zamir opened his eyes slowly and turned to his side. it was already bright outside and his alarm,where was the damn thing...

"you're awake?" a voice said above him

His eyes flew wide open immediately and he looked straight into the hottest, sexiest grey eyes, the kind of eyes that easily hypnotizes you and keeps pulling you into them... deeper

Zamir flinched when the owner of those eyes suddenly bent near him and placed his palm on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"how are you feeling?"

"get your fucking hands off me" he hissed and smacked 'whatever his name's hand off him.he quickly sat up and moved away, putting as much distance between them

"yeah" the other guy shrugged and got up "you're kicking"

"bathroom is the door opposite this room,extra everything you need is available... breakfast is ready...my mom made a feast...come on out when you're ready" Noah said and walked out leaving Zamir to himself once again.