
Zamir groaned as he stepped out of the tiny old bathroom.he had to make use of the cold water in a bowl to brush his teeth and wash his face in this chilly weather but who could he complain to?

He followed left and headed straight into the living room which didn't look any better than the rest of the shitty house. He was busy assessing and judging the room that he didn't realize that Helen and her son were watching him until she called "Mr Jackson" waving him over to the tiny dining table with three chairs.

Zamir walked closer to them,not that it's that much of a distance, with a deep frown on his face, ignoring the cheerful woman who was beckoning him to sit on the 'ugh' old and ugly chair, he turned to Noah "the pen thief is your mother?" he asked contemptuously

That statement was enough to bring Helen's mood that was going at a hundred miles per hour back to a zero and she settled down quietly with her head down.

"thief?" Noah asked directing his own heated gaze on 'jerk Jackson'.

"aren't you one ungrateful punk?" Noah's voice turned dangerously low as he stood up and without warning grabbed Zamir by the neck, pushing him to against the wall behind them.

He continued have him pinned to the wall and squeezing at his neck. He didn't even care about the finger scratching at his hand or how his mother was hitting him with her slippers while shouting at him to let go.

He finally did, unfortunately, and he watched as the smaller man fell to his knees and gasped for air with his mother all over him, trying to calm him

"get the fuck out" he said with bored eyes and went back to sit and have his breakfast.


Zamir had never felt so humiliated in his entire life. Not even when he was in high school that was full of jerks and bullies but that bastard had just squeezed his throat like he was some doll just because he'd spoken.....


Zamir ignored the banging on his door, whoever the animal was whom didn't know how to use a doorbell.

He looked at his bruised neck one more time in the mirror and sighed. it seemed he'll be wearing that bruise for a while like a fucking henna tattoo.

nobody can really stop him from getting even with that maniac he vowed as he pulled his collar higher

The insane pounding on his door began again and it made a vein pop on his already abused head. He marched out of his huge bathroom with all modern amenities...

He does need a scapegoat doesn't he?

He opened the door to bite the head of whoever didn't have anything better to do on a Sunday morning and was about putting a hole in his door or even knocking it down but he froze when he saw who it was.

He was pushed, unceremoniously out of the way and the intruder walked in majestically, as if he owned the place

"get out of my house right now or i'm calling the police"

He was ignored totally,him and his irate bitching and to let him see that fact, the intruder sat down on one of the expensive couches and dropped the basket he was holding on the table

"you think i'm here to make peace?" Noah chuckled looking at the mannerless asshole now standing over him with folded arms.

"nah..." he laughed richly "i'm here to cause more trouble, so you better call the police cuz that's the only you'll be forcing me out of here"

His face turned serious, and said wagging his finger at Zamir to enunciate every single word "now you will sit your ungrateful ass down and eat this food my mother woke earlier to prepare without remaining a single bite"

"oh! and i'm Noah by the way" he added with a toothy smile

Zamir remained where he was with his hands on his hips and an irritated look on his face.He watched as the intruder made himself right at home on his expensive couch and looked as if he was about taking a nap... and fuck his name,he doesn't need it

No... there was no way he would let this guy bully or control him however he pleased, He wasn't a coward...he never was and he wouldn't start being one now.

He went straight into his room to pick his phone, and began punching the right numbers, he was about pressing the green call button when he suddenly felt a presence behind him.

"what are you doing in my room? get out" Zamir yelled out nervously.

They were too close,he could even perceive the tantalizing smell from the body of his intruder and he didn't like it one bit,it was putting him on edge and making him feel strange

"now..." he added weakly earning him a grunt from the other before his phone was snatched out of his hands and thrown on the bed carelessly.

He was about yelling out another protest when he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders making him flinch thinking he was about to be assaulted again,he put his hands up to block his face but before he knew what was happening,he was already back in his State-of-the-art living room with his ass shoved into a chair roughly.

He rebelled and tried to get back to his feet but hadn't even straightened up before he was pushed back down, this time his intruder sat near him and held him down with one hand while expertly opened the dishes with the other

When he was done "now pick up your spoon and eat all of this and enjoy every single delicacy..."

"... or you can refuse and have them shoved down your throat, so what's it going to be?"


Noah watched with amusement as the angry little bunny sitting next to him...not willingly of course but that doesn't matter because he was having so much fun watching him stuff his face with pure vexation.

it was like watching a caged angry rabbit and stuffing it's face in anger.

"nothing beats a warm homemade meal right?" he teased the swollen rabbit, nudging him gently on the arm after he'd finished everything

"fuck you"

"you're welcome" he said packing up

"now I need to leave, some of us go to work on Sundays"

"rest well..." but the door was already slammed in his face, he turned to leave and remembered he wanted to ask the angry bunny something but he probably won't open the door again so he chose to leave instead.

Either ways,he should keep a look out for another part time job because who knows.