El desvanecimiento (The Fade)

Life flourishes and then it dies. Life is all about doing everything you can before your time is up. Decisions upon decisions that make you the person you are. So what happens when someone gets in your way and you as well as others want this person gone. Well as it turns out teamwork makes the dreamwork as enough focus on a singular wish can cause even reality to bend to the whims of people.

In this particular case we are talking about "Fading". It's a phenomenon where if enough people want one particular person to vanish then using their minds and focusing on this one goal allows them to force reality itself to erase the person as this in turn will grant happiness to those who wished for that person to be gone. This is both amazing as it shows the power humans hold together, however its absolutely terrifying as anyone can be erased and people have struggled to understand why this particular ability even exists even if it did make people happy. Why give it to anyone? 

The erasing of an individual often is described as a person choking and  slowly evaporating into a smokey black dust and eventually entirely being gone. Where they go is unknown, but its not like anyone really cares.