El alma solitaria (The Lonely Soul)

Home. A place of warmth and safety. A place of hope and destiny. A place of growth and future. A Hellish prison. A connection so strong that your home is the place you feel the most comfortable where you can be yourself. A connection that is actually a curse.

Death within your home allows your soul to be grasped and chained down forever contained within the walls and never allowed the freedom to move beyond. Why would you need heaven if you`re already in your home? This is the situation some unluckily individuals find themselves in. A wandering, fleshless and wrathful entity wanting to share its dreadful existence with others even if that's not what they want.

Innocent looking akin to a low effort halloween costume with a white sheet over a body with two eye holes. These things are now referred to as "Lonely Souls' ' possessing the ability to appear and disappear, phase through walls and limited telekinesis to move things around. They use their abilities to shock anyone that treads in their home hoping to cause their death and begging to gain a friend