Chapter  26-child

Lynn's POV

The final day of the final year was fulfilling and busy. After evening self-study, I finished my homework before heading home. When I left, there were only a few people left in the classroom.

Instead of taking the subway, I followed the navigation to walk back home.

Passing by the subway station, I suddenly remembered the scene of Marilyn taking me on the subway for the first time.

The morning rush hour for students coincided with the peak traffic period. In the congested and valuable area of Red Valley Pack, it would take half an hour to travel five kilometers during this peak time. Taking the subway was the best choice. However, Marilyn hadn't taken the subway much, and I didn't know how to either.

It's funny to think that two modern young people had to learn how to take the subway.

We calmly entered the subway station, observing others tapping their cards to enter. Then, we stood in front of the map, perplexed by the various routes.