Chapter 27-sniff

Marilyn's POV

Ever since Dr. glu mentioned that Lucas took care of Lynn, I knew that Lucas had been keeping an eye on me.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have known about Lynn's situation.

I haven't mentioned Lynn to anyone, not even my grandma. She only found out recently, and I suspect it was from Lucas.

My mother had a few arguments with my grandma in the past because she married Fredy. My grandma might not be accepting of Lynn's existence, especially now that her health has been deteriorating since my mother's passing.

We can't afford to upset her.

In the morning, my grandma called to ask about Lynn. I suspect Lucas didn't disclose too much to her.

"Yes," Lucas said matter-of-factly. He sat up straight, took a cigarette out of the pack, and held it between his fingers without lighting it.