chapter86-Good girl, baby

Karl pov

"Yes, I am feeling jealous," I said.

Cecilia raised an eyebrow, blinked her eyes, and placed her hands on my shoulders, but didn't respond.

I sat her down on the long cushioned stool in front of the piano and pulled a metal chair with my foot to sit in front of her.

With my elbows resting on my legs, I was slightly taller than her, and I looked down at her.

Cecilia tilted her head slightly and met my gaze.

Her almond-shaped eyes were clear and her eyelids were slightly lowered, like a sun-drenched malt candy, dripping with thick, sweet nectar.

As our eyes locked.

Something in the air changed subtly.

I slowly shifted my gaze from her eyes to her slightly parted lips.

Then I leaned in, placed my forehead against hers, and gently brushed my lips against hers.

We quickly pulled apart, but our distance had closed, our noses almost touching, and my slightly warm breath caressed Cecilia's upper lip.