
Cecilia pov

Karl continued to stimulate me inside my sensitive area, sliding his fingers in and out of my wetness, occasionally teasing my clitoris. 

"Why did you stop moving? Just teasing?" 

"I... I'm so tired," I said. 

I was genuinely exhausted, having been spanked, fingered, and teased so much. 

It had been quite an eventful day with my classmates. 

I felt physically and mentally drained. 

Karl was too much for me. 

Karl intentionally shifted his leg, causing my buttocks to move, and his erect penis pressed against my dripping entrance. My vagina was slippery and his glans penetrated about a third of the way. 

I frowned and moaned softly, and Karl glanced at me. He lifted his wrist and pulled out his glans, then deliberately pressed it against my opening. 

I lowered my head and shifted my buttocks backward, but there was no intense reaction.