chapter 108-opponent

Cecilia pov

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.

I pursed my lips and lowered my head, silently stroking the cat. After all, I didn't know the person in front of me, so I didn't know what to say. It was quiet, with the music from the karaoke  next door being loud.

"Do you want to come up and sit?" Bruno suddenly spoke up, patting the sofa. "The cat will jump onto you on its own."

I was taken aback, but followed and sat down. The cat toy in my hand swayed on my leg, making a tinkling sound. The little cat leaped onto me and nestled into my arms. Tickled by its claws, I couldn't help but laugh.

Bruno raised the corner of his lips and also picked up a cat, holding it in his arms. He asked, "Aren't you a student from the Black Moon Pack?"

"Yes, I'm from the school," I replied.

"The school is good and it's much harder to get into than the Black Moon Pack," Bruno said.