Chapter 17: All Hail Journalist Sophie

*Sophie’s POV*

I only remember a little from the plane ride. Nigel and I slept for most of the flight. After George dropped me off at home, I remember Addy grabbing my bags and telling me to rest as much as possible because she needed every juicy detail about my trip to Paris.

I sat in bed and stretched my arms before grabbing my phone. My body was still tired, and I was still trying to adjust to the time zone. I wanted to call in today, but I had a lot of work to catch up on, not to mention that all my co-workers were ready to hear about my trip to Paris.

I checked my phone and noticed that Nigel had texted me.

Nigel: "Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. - Zora Neal Thurston. I hope our trip to Paris helped your soul crawl out of its hiding place.”

Sophie: Who said my soul was hiding?

Nigel: I know your soul is hiding, and I understand why; I hope I can be a part of helping to change that.

Sophie: Gotta go; I need to get ready for work.