May You All Die in Horrible Agony! Part I

“How are you, Aun?”

Doctor Golf’s voice rang softly. As Doctor Aun was slowly opening his eyes, he felt a throbbing pain in his head. The dream was still haunting him. He was angry with himself for waking up first. The doctor wanted to know what would be next, even though he already had some anticipation in mind.

“Are you okay now? If not, I will send you to the morgue," his friend teased. Doctor Aun merely squinted his eyes at Doctor Golf and rose in a sitting position.

“I’m good now… More importantly, I’m not dead yet. No need to send me to the morgue!”

“Are you doing alright, for real? Your face is still pale. Don’t you want to put on some lipstick first? Let's borrow from a nurse."

“You idiot. Get lost to your ER. I'll get going to the ward as well. It's time to examine the patient," said Doctor Aun, to which Doctor Golf nodded in agreement.

"Er...then I'll head out first." Doctor Golf took another direction to exit and left Doctor Aun to sit in a wooden chair in one corner of the OB/GYN building by himself.

The young man leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. He felt exhausted both physically and mentally. Doctor Aun didn't understand why the young ghost had to choose him to be the one to know those unpleasant stories. The closer everyone was to him; the more Doctor Aun felt worse. It was as if he was surrounded by pretentious people.

The ones whom he used to think of as a saint...They were probably not. The ones whom he used to believe were evil... turned out to not be...

“The one who killed me… is the one who will die soon!” A soft voice whispered in the doctor's ear. The young man hurriedly opened his eyes and turned to look beside him. However, he only found emptiness without even a shadow of living beings. The pathway stretched beyond his sight was so quiet that it sent a shiver down the doctor's spine. He knew… it wasn't as empty as his eyes could perceive. The ghost girl was here... She was here and followed to tell him what had happened to her.

But…hold on.

What she had told him meant… Doctor Pop was going to die next, wasn't he?

Realizing that, Doctor Aun rushed down from the ward with his gut telling him to go to the morgue at the back of the hospital. He didn't know how long it took him...but it all went by so fast that it was like he was being moved fast forward to the crucial scene in the story.

The young man reached out and slowly opened the door to the morgue. The atmosphere inside was silent as the grave, even though it was early in the morning. If it was late at night, he couldn't even imagine how much more frightening it would be. Doctor Aun took a deep breath... There wasn't much time. He stormed over to the corpse freezer where he had seen the dead body of Nurse Pia in it, a few minutes before she was killed.

The doctor secretly hoped to find nothing in must be empty!

As soon as the door of the corpse freezer swung open, the inner tray automatically slid out until the doctor fell on his back to the ground. Seeing the tip of the toes sticking out of the tray, Doctor Aun knew someone was lying there. However, he couldn't catch a clear image of the boy's face before he fell to the ground. The doctor gradually stood up with his heart racing. He tried to keep calm and leaned forward to look at the face...

That was... Doctor Pop... Oh, it was really Doctor Pop!

Then the body of Doctor Pop, who was lying still, breathlessly, quickly vanished. Fading like he was a cloud of smoke and left only an empty tray before Doctor Aun...

Even though he didn’t know if what he had seen was true or not, Doctor Aun rapidly took out his phone. The doctor planned to call Doctor Pop; however, there was suddenly a mysterious hand pushing the doctor's hand so hard that the phone fell to the ground of the morgue. The case and the phone were thrown in different directions.

Doctor Aun hurriedly bent down to pick up his cell phone and looked around paranoidly. It couldn’t end this way... The ghost girl probably didn't want him to contact Doctor Pop. But even then, he couldn’t be ignorant and witnessed another friend die. He had to warn Pop before his life would be taken by Petch like Nurse Pia and Nurse Ae...

Then Doctor Aun rushed out of the morgue and headed towards the internal medicine building where Doctor Pop was. The gust was blowing at the moment… The ashen sky was a sign that the rain was coming soon. The young man ran through the bad omen with his heart set on it. Even though each step was challenging as if a strong hand was yanking onto the hem of his shirt, that couldn't compare to his determined heart ...he had to reach Doctor Pop no matter what.

Please wait for me, Pop…

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It was common for the internal medicine ward to be overflowed with patients waiting in line for a check-up in the morning. Doctor Pop wasn't surprised when he stepped in and saw all the chairs occupied by patients, even though it was just seven o'clock in the morning. The young doctor greeted the patient with a friendly smile before disappearing into the doctor’s lounge. There was almost an hour left until the check-up so he could take his time to sit down for a coffee and read the newspaper.

He made coffee on one side of the ward and took the newspaper back to the lounge. He swept his glance through the first page without much interest; nevertheless, he was stunned as soon as his eyes stumbled upon small frames at the right corner of the newspaper.

'Horrifying Accident: Nurse Ripped Apart by Bus Door. Driver Denied His Witness.'

'Mysterious Death: Nurse Torn in half. No Clue For the Police.'

It was Nurse Ae and Nurse Pia...What did he miss?!

The young man immediately began to sense something 'abnormal' as he got goosebumps for no reason. Although he was not very close to the two nurses, he often met Nurse Ae and Nurse Pia in the OB/GYN ward. Also, they were with him on the most important day that he would never forget...the day he murdered a child with his own hands!

That night...Doctor Pop could clearly recall that he was reading a newspaper in the doctor’s lounge...

There was a soft knock on the door, causing the young man to take his eyes off the newspaper and let the person who knocked on the door in. Initially, he thought it might be Nurse Ae or Nurse Pia who always brought coffee and snacks for his late-night shift. He didn’t expect his nighttime guest to be Professor Kawee.

“Hello… Professor Kawee. Is there anything I could help you with?" Doctor Pop asked as he stood up, in which the professor made a gesture telling him to sit down.

“There is no need to be formal, Doctor Pop, please sit.”

“Yes… professor,” replied the young man. He noticed that Professor Kawee was already wearing a surgical gown and probably going to work on something.

“Doctor Pop, are you free? I want you to help me with something. There is a special case that needs to be dealt with.”

“What case, Professor Kawee?”

“Follow me, your performance in this case... will judge whether I will let you pass or not for this OB/GYN ward.”