The Nosy One... is My Enemy! Part I

The air was crisp and fresh this morning. As usual, Fern and Aey walked to the cafeteria, chatting in a good mood. When they arrived, both saw that there were already four or five juniors sitting and talking there. Fern and Aey went to fetch a glass of soymilk and picked up two deep-fried dough sticks for each. The canteen was like this on Saturday and Sunday. The breakfast would be simple because there were not many students.

Sister Christine, who was on duty this morning, walked into the cafeteria. The students raised their hands in a wai to greet the Sister before going their separate ways to have breakfast at their tables. The students did not pray at the same time but did it individually before the meal today. Fern, who was not a Christian, did not need to pray like everyone else.

Noticing that Sister Christine was sitting with her neck craning as if waiting for someone, Aey, who was not too far from the teacher, curiously asked.

“Who are you waiting for, Sister Christine?”