The Nosy One... is My Enemy! Part II

“Huh… such a pity.”

“Pity… pity what?”

Aey turned around and asked her friend. But Fern could only simper instead of answering; she began to realize that she was acting too suspiciously. She let Aey see and suspect it many times. Damn it... She did not even know herself what she did or said sometimes. It was as if a shadow overwhelmed her to the point that she had changed tremendously.


Before they could walk out of the building, Sister Margaret's screams rang out, causing the two girls to flinch. They looked at each other, wondering why Sister Margaret had to cry out like that. Fern did not want to waste any time as a smile irresistibly appeared on her face. Fern turned and ran back towards Sister Margaret's room again without listening to Aey's call in any way.

“Fern! ... Where are you going?”