No Victim is Chosen by a Cobra! Part II

The more she loved Nui..., the more she loathed her!

The breaking point took place in the first semester of twelfth grade when the school decided to reward her as the outstanding student of the year due to academic performance and good conduct. Nevertheless, Sister Margaret came to tell Aey the lousy news only one day before the awards ceremony.

“Aey, the school is sorry to inform you that we are changing students who will receive this year's outstanding student award,” Sister Margaret said coldly.

“Why is that, Sister Margaret?”

“The school has already considered a more suitable person.”

"Who is it?"

"You'll find out soon," Sister Margaret said and walked out. Aey was left standing stunned, not different from being slapped in the face. The girl wanted to cry on someone’s shoulder and spilled her heart out. And that person was... Nui.