A Spirit Who Cannot Rest in Peace. Part I

Everything around seemed to have stopped instantly...

The mother plunged towards her daughter’s naked body lying on the autopsy bed. She hurriedly covered her child's body with a white cloth to conceal her nudity while crying on Orn-arin’s corpse as if her heart was torn from her body. The father went straight to support his wife with his eyes tearing up because he could not resist seeing the tragic sight in front of him. The doctor who was about to perform the autopsy was confused. He did not know what happened. All of the staff rushed into the autopsy room, despite the fact that it was a restricted area. While the doctor was working inside, the room was no entry for others but only authorized persons.

“What happened?” asked the young doctor. His surgical mask made his voice muffled. But listening to the tone of voice, the doctor must have been quite shocked by what had happened. The junior police officer hurriedly explained to the other party.