A Spirit Who Cannot Rest in Peace. Part II

“Damn it, it must be Assist Aek. Orn-arin stayed late last night, and so did he. He’s so suspicious.”

A female employee named 'Kwan' blabbered about Orn-arin while waiting for popcorn in the cracker. The popping sound of the corn kernels was so annoying that Rada wished for the day that she could switch to another department. Since coming to Snack Bar...Rada had been scolded many times by customers about selling expensive things. She really wanted to shout the customers in the face that if it was expensive then why bother? If you wanted to watch movies, then you have to skip the snacks... so you would not have to waste your money. If you wanted to eat, you had to pay a little more. It was sold in the department store; how could she sell it at the same price as the street market’s chicken nuggets… Ridiculous!