010: A Long Term Plan

After that devastating defeat on the first hour in the game, Hou Yongyong and his team had an online meeting in Piscord, reviewing what had they could do better on the last session.

"This game is so hard!" Taotao was the first to complaint.

Jiegei grumbled, "Unlike any game where we can press the buttons for our character to react, this game requires our brain's reaction speed and strong mental fortitude to withstand the extreme stress inside our brain also. I have to admit, I was scared shitless when Taotao brutally murdered in front of me."

"It's okay Jiegei, that wasn't you fault. Anyway, is that person a pro gamer or something? His movement and his skill way beyond my comprehension!" Taotao replied.

"Or someone that already used to murder other people. Maybe a special Black Ops operator who got bored with mundane peaceful life and decided to jump in the game.

The twin brothers, A Lan and Fei Lan, remarked in unison. "Tsk! Let's get back to the game and find this bastard!"

Hou Yongyong, the leader, whom the last person who died in his team, was still in shock due to the sheer pain that was inflicted in the game. Although there's no real injury upon his body, the horrifying terror was real.

However, his pride as gamer who had millions followers in Utube and Kwitch would not allow him to give up just like that, he quickly regain his composure.

"Calm down… I have a plan." He sad in a collected and calm voice. "That 'entity' is sure too strong for us to fight head on. Whether that entity is a real player or an NPC, we shall expose and let him be known to the world through our online stream. Let's portray him as the bad guy and other player will surely antagonize him too."

"Yeah! That's a good idea!" Taotao cheered. "Let us get the streaming license for this game, raising the donations from viewers for us to buy items, and pay for our daily expense, and we shall pioneered the whole community to beat this game!"

"Easier to say than done, bro!" A Lan was quick to catch with the latest information in the official website of the Virtual Insanity. "Look! $10.000 just to get the streaming license for this game. The streaming platform also provided by the developer themselves to ensure the viewers' privacy and pay the premimum features to be able to donate their favorite streamers! It's called Virtual_Insanity.tv!"

Taotao and Jiegei shrieked "WHAT!!" in unison as they heard the streaming license's price.

"Who in the fucking right mind willing to pay that much money for streaming license!?" Taotao rebuked.

Jiegei added, "Indeed, that price is ridiculous!"

Hou Yongyong, however, as the leader of [Tiger Claw], made an instant decision. "I will. If that's the price to get more exposure and donations, it's actually fairly cheap! Besides… just imagine how many wicked, rich bastards out there who willing to pay for such entertainment! Eh? You know what I am saying?"

The rest of his party members snickering behind their microphones gleefully. Although they didn't say the obvious, however, they shared the common interest about the things that could possibly do in the game.

Since there's no script in the game and they could interact with the NPCs in the game the same as other real person, they would so much things they could do, especially with the female NPCs, or perhaps, male NPCs that has feminim looks and traits.

It was a public's secrets that there are so many insane and wicked users in internet looking for something that a bit 'challenging' and 'out of the box' content out there. Vanilla-Live-porns asides… Many people in the deep net would pay thousands of dollars for a live torturous endeavours and extreme sex activities of some sorts. And Virtual Insanity is the perfect place for those people to gather and share their interest within each other. Truly, human depravity knows no bounds.

"Alright! Stay lowkey for a few days ahead, complete more quests, level up our characters, skills and what not. Also, don't forget to train your body in real life, I mean it!"

Taotao and Jiegei answered at the same time with "Rog!"

"Copy that, leader!" While the twins answered casually.


Meanwhile, inside the game, after Wang Jung eliminate five people consecutively, he finally leveled up to Level 2.

Although the increment only 1 level, Wang Jun could feel the huge power gap between two levels, the profound energy that surged inside him regenerates his Stamina, Demonic Point and healed the all the scratches on his skin.


[You have Leveled up to Level 2]

[All Stats +5 Points]

[10 Bonus Stats Points had been granted and can be alocated to your desired stats.]

[Press 'Guides' button to see how to allocate your stats points.]

[The rewards had been sent into your inventory.]

Alas, the bell notification sound that he had been waiting rang aloud in his head. The blue transparent screens appeared before his eyes.


Wang Jun stored the loots that he obtained from them inside the Sea of Abyss before he checked the rewards. There's no way he would stood idly amidst the forest filled with dangers.

Before long, he found a huge Eldritch Tree with a sizable cavity on the base of its trunk. Wasting no time, Wang Jun opened his inventory in glee.

He then pressed the Guides button out of curiosity to learn more about the miscellnaous in-game knowledge. Some people might find it waste of time to read the long text of guides, for Wang Jun, however, it helps him alot to better understands how the game's work and how to counter certain class effectively.

After spending half an hour inside the game, Wang Jun understands that each stats points that he allocated to would make a huge different on the abilities of each Class.

There's also Minimum Level Requirements and Minimum Stats Requirements to wield certain weapons and unleash its full potentials. If a player whose level is lower than the minimum requirement, they can not wield or even use the weapon and had to level up first.

If the level's met the minimum requirement but the player's stats are lower, they won't be able to use the perks that came with the weapon.

Wang Jun find it challenging, eager to discover or perhaps, craft an absolute weapon that befitting for his skill sets.

Alas, he finally came to the reward from the system. It was an old book in thick black leather cover, written by an unknown Sage from the long lost past.

"What is this book?" Surprisingly, Wang Jun suddenly regained the 500 years old memory of the body that he inhabit, thus he could read the book which written in anchient chinese characters like reading a light novel.

"Eh?" Wang Jun was bemused upon reading the title. "Kamasutra Dual-Cultivation Book. Volume 1: The Basic of Basic Guide To Do Dual-Cultivation."

Wang Jun spent another hour or two to read the book diligently inside the old Eldritch Tree.

[As the love grew stronger, the longer the session shall last. The older she gets, the better!]

Before long, Wang Jun closed the book with a slap, all he could say about the author after reading it was; "The author of this book was utterly a shameless, motherf—, son of a—!"

"But wait, he's shameless, that's for sure. But his guide was simple and easy to understand, thanks to the detailed illustration images… Maybe I can use his Path of Dao to cultivate? Hehehe! This game is so fun!"