011: Adventure Awaits

[Server 1]

[Lumberjack Encampment]

[Save Zone]

By the time Wang Jun had returned to complete the carpenter's task from this humble settlement, more players had logged in than before and the server's population was maxed out.

Upon checking the guides, Wang Jun acknowledges that there are 3.000 local servers in total to accommodate the players that were spread world wide and each server had the capacity of 100.000 players.

However, to reduce the loads and pinging speed, Seven Worlds. Ltd had designated 7 server regions: China, North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South East Asia and lastly, the Crossover Server which was situated at an undisclosed location.

Every player who had reached a certain level and had gained enough reputation are eligible to enter this server, which is more competitive and more hardcore! No sane person would be willing to enter such a server filled with madness and insanity.

But of course, those who are able to enter this server would be rewarded handsomely, more opportunity, extra rare items and artifacts will be provided by the system for players to find them.

For a newly released game, this could be considered a sensational grand launching that even surpassed the predecessor games in similar genres.

After weaving through the crowds, Wang Jun had finally arrived at the carpenter's workshop, and was greeted by the bulky and well-built carpenter.

"Hello!" Wang Jun raised his hand.

"Oh! There you are! Many people have come to me asking about yourself lately." Said the carpenter.

"Eh? How so?" Wang Jun crossed his arm on his chest.

"How would I know? It ain't my concern either."

"I see… What did you tell them about me?" Wang Jun said sternly.

If these NPCs, no, the original inhabitants of this world disclose any information that would put him in disadvantage and danger, Wang Jun wouldn't hesitate to kill them, as much as he needed.

The carpenter hung the handsaw onto the wall and changed it with a hatched, began to skinning the protruding bark on the wood that he worked with.

"I told them nothing." Said the carpenter. "Who are you, where you from and where you gonna be is ain't my business. You are my client, and that's all I need to know."

Wang Jun lowered his killing intent afterwards. At least, this carpenter was a trustworthy person to work with.

"That's… very good to hear. Anyway! I had completed your task to collect the wood from the Eldritch Tree. Where should I put them?"

Surprisingly, the carpenter swiped his hand in the air and a transparent blue screen appeared in front of Wang Jun's face. It has an endless grid of rows and lanes.

"Just drop them inside my dropbox."

Likewise, Wang Jun did the same and a black transparent screen appeared side by side, filled with thousands of pieces of wood and many other gears and weapons that he obtained from looting those dead bodies.

He then dragged and dropped the wood icon in his inventory into the carpenter's drop box and thus the transaction had completed.

"Alright then! Shall we depart to your place then?" Said the carpenter.



The carpenter's lower jaw almost dropped upon seeing the ransacked, good-for-nothing castle in front of him. The pillars on the base level had been withered to an extent, they would even collapse just by a single nudge.

"D-dare I ask, good sir. Is this castle truly yours in the first place."

"Now that you've mentioned it. I woke up and found myself in this castle, so I thought it would be a good thing to build myself something that I would called as… home."

"Wait… Did you just say, "wake up in this castle?"

"Uh-huh. Is there something that matters?"

"For a second thought, May I see your information or some sort?"

Wang Jun sighed, since the carpenter has the potential to become his business partner, at least knowing his username could establish some trust between them.

"Here, read it for yourself."

[Name: Wang Jun.]

[Soul Aptitude Level: Level 100]

[Race: Higher Demon]

[Class: Emperor Demon Venerable]

[Character Level: 2]

Blood drained from the carpenter's face as he heard it and made his face as pale as a dead fish. It seemed that the carpenter had something that he hid beneath that shocked expression.

'To think that the Prophecy is revealed in a time like this… It means that this young man was the reincarnation of our previous lord! The Emperor Demon Venerable!'

"Hey…" Wang Jun said in length. "So are you gonna do it or what? If not, I will rebuild this castle myself, and you… my friend, will provide me with the necessary materials, you heard me!?"

"I heard you, my liege! Don't worry about a thing! Your castle will be rebuilt in a jiffy by my people!"

"Your people!? Look, let me tell you something before you get any weird ideas about myself. I don't practically care, I don't know anything about someone who bore this [Emperor Demon Venerable] before me. I don't have the plan nor the time to play kingdom building either, your life is your own to take care about."

"Certainly, my liege!"

"Would you stop calling me that? I have no means to become your superior either. Also, isn't it a bit rude that you haven't shown me your information card?"

"Oh right! Where are my manners!"

The carpenter prostrated himself before Wang Jun after he swiped the air to show his details.

[Name: Cao Hanjo]

[Soul Aptitude Level: Level 20]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Carpenter]

[Character Level: 50]


Wang Jun bemused upon reading Cao Hanjou's details. "His level was quite high, but why doesn't he have an oppressive aura? Did he suppress his aura like some masters in novels?"

Well, unfortunately, it was a story for another day.

For now… Wang Jun had acquainted with someone who was trustworthy enough to handle his castle rebuilding project.

After a rough calculation, Cao Hanjou had revealed the estimated cost to rebuild this castle to its former glory. Wang Jun, however, didn't show any sign of surprise on his face.

"1.000.000 Gold coins in total for the material and the labors. Divided into 3 major building phases. That's actually doable, but where could I procure that much gold coins as soon as possible?"

Cao Hanjou quickly suggested some viable options for him, "How about… raiding a dungeon? If my memory serves me right, there's an Earthen Dungeon in the Golden Gaze Mountain. Ah wait, forget it! That dungeon was in provision of the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

Wang Jun gleamed with excitement as he heard the name of such a legendary sect.

"And where is the direction of this Golden Gaze Mountain?