020: Back to The Game

Wang Jun couldn't find the fitting comeback for that. Eternal Life... something that is sought by humans in various realities and universes. It was unfathomable for a mere mortal like him, he couldn't even picture himself reaching an old age, having families and such. Dead in his gloriest... would be the best reward rather than dying due to old age and alone.

"I apologize for taking your precious time, Master Wang. You must have been eager to return to Virtual Insanity."

"En..." Wang Jun nodded. "If death is what you wished for, then I shall give it to you as my thanks for introducing me to that world along with all the perks you gave me."

"I am most grateful, Master Wang. Though I must forewarn you, the war is coming, be prepared..."

Before long, Wang Jun had returned to the bunker accompanied by the two young maids, Aylin and Ayla. Wang Jun stretched out his hands to either side, letting the maids do their job.

The two sloughed off his clothes and pants and then put on the various sensors on his body to monitor his vital signs. Shortly after, Wang Jun laid himself on the bed and put the VR Headgear onto his head.

"I am ready, send me in." Wang Jun said.

"Linking the Soul unto the designated Body in 3... 2... 1..."


In the underground Cultivation Cave, a figure of a fine young man was being printed digitally out of the thin air. The Primeval Qi hummed in excitement upon his return.

His 6 foot tall and slender body was heavenly, perfect and flawless in every aspect. His handsome face resembled that of Celestial Nymph who would bring any country onto their knees. Men and women would fall for him, regardless of their preference.

Wang Jun opened his eyes when his body had spawned without an issue. He clenched both hands as he regained his senses.


[Welcome back! Emperor Ya Sè Demon Venerable!]

The system chimed in, showing his latest status before he logged out.

"Hmm, last time my Cultivation was stuck at 9th Stage Body Foundation due to my lacking comprehension of how to break through to the Qi Consensing Realm." Wang Jun opened the book and read the next chapter.

According to the Kamasutra Dual-Cultivation Book, he had to condense his Primeval Qi and then convert it into two separate energies, Yin Qi and Yang Qi. The white and black, the cold and the hot. The very basic foundation of all creation in the world.

"As a man, I have the innate aptitude for Yang Qi and my body will automatically absorb Yang Qi from my surroundings. And for the Yin Qi, I have to find a female partner to absorb the Yin Qi from their body through Dual-cultivation and break through to the next realm."

Wang Jun took a deep breath, "Hitting a woman is one thing, but finding the most compatible one is something else different."

Wang Jun closed the book, he decided not to rush things out. Dual-Cultivation could prove very risky when the partner turns out not compatible with his high aptitude, moreso if the partner would stab him in the back by absorbing all of his Yang Qi and turning him into a wastrel.

"Welp... let's head out and see how things have gone since I logged out."

It was a cloudless, full moon night when Wang Jun left his Cultivation Cave. In a short notice, Wang Jun had arrived at the Village's Tavern where all kinds of players usually gathered to trade their goods and exchange hunting-gathering missions which was done based on the agreement of both parties. This was another way to procure materials with minimum efforts for rich players in majority.

Wang Jun found himself an empty table assessing the players' level from the corner. To his surprise, the players were Level 5 to Level 7, averagely. For players who had reached Level 10 or above could be considered as godlike players due to the extreme difficulties of this game.

He listened closely and thoroughly about everything that might piqued his interest. Until... he overheard about a serial killer who lurked in the forest, the victims were all men. Tortured and wrung dry for unknown reasons. Rumor has it, the killer was a woman with a wicked sexual fetish.

"Hey, look at this. That perverted serial killer is at it again." Said one of the players in front of Wang Jun's table. Showing the censored images on the hologram screen.

"Eh? I thought it had stopped ten days ago." His comrade replied.

"Perhaps, she couldn't hold the addiction to kill? I heard that a lot from many psychopath documentaries!"

"Quit your yapping, this is a world of games after all. Dog eat dog world to amass fortune and wealth! I believe that the killer must be loaded with valuable loot!"

"That's for sure! However, where and how are we gonna catch this elusive killer?"

"Right, moreso, she must be a very skilled player with high Soul Aptitude and have a powerful character!"

"Indeed, compared to us, crafter, combatant players have more privileges."

"Fret not brother! Let's drink more! Hahaha!"

'What an optimistic fella, too bad, you ain't got nowhere if you are a weakling in this world.' Wang Jun commented, inwardly.

Nevertheless, Wang Jun soon found the censored images of the victims which appeared on many platforms. Many would think the killer was an insane woman who hates men to the core, and vented her hatred inside the Virtual Insanity and shared her craft on many platforms anonymously.

However, as a Dual-Cultivator, Wang Jun has a different point of view. Moreover, as someone who had committed murder in real life, he understands this case wasn't just a simple killing spree out of hatred and pent up insanity. It was, in fact, an act of Dual-Cultivation by its own right since the victims had lost their Yang Qi entirely.

"The reason why this woman left an obvious trail was not for inspiring fear to others... This is an invitation for anyone who wants to satisfy their sexual fetish. Cultivating their Yang Qi and then killing them for their loots, huh? Bad girl..."

A wide smirk appeared on Wang Jun's face. He is determined to hunt this serial killer and see if she's compatible with him.

Alas, he heads out to the crime scene which is situated in the heart of Huelan Great Forest, to the westward of Starto Village. Home of various wild animals and spirit beasts.