019: Learning The Truth

Wang Jun woke up in the next morning after having enough sleep to refresh his fatigued brain. He yawned wide while stretching his body on the bed. Upon regaining his senses, Wang Jun sat upright in a jiffy.

"Alright! Grinding time, here I go!"

He jumped out of his bed in excitement, headed straight to the restroom to do his morning routines: Washed his face, brushed his teeth, took a nice hot bath and left his room for breakfast in dining room at the second floor.

The maids had informed him before hands that breakfast would be served at seven o'clock. To think the whole spread of full course meal had been prepared on the table was beyond him.

From appetizer to the delicate desert, everything were made from scratches by only using the finest ingredients, some even imported from overseas.

Wang Jun cocked an eyebrow, "Are these what rich people eat every morning?"

The two maids who had assigned as his servants were already there not so long ago, they wore an eye-glasses for a reason unbeknownst to Wang Jun.

One of them pulled the chair for him. "Please have seated Master Wang." Said the maid eloquently.

Wang Jun complied and seated. In a short notice, Wang Jun was curious about the empty palates that had arranged on the other end of the long table.

Meanwhile, another maid pulled the empty seat as if somebody else was going to sit there.

Afterward, the third maid, who was certainly look more matured than the two young maids, entered the dining room, bringing a tray of an eye-glasses as well as a pair of wireless headsets to Wang Jun. Wang Jun was certain she was at least already in her early thirties, however, she still has her beautiful charm and still look fairly young for a woman of

"I beg your pardon for disturbing your breakfast, Master Wang. But Lady Bai Ning insisted to join you." Said the maid, leaned forward as to offer the tray from the side.

Wang Jun could perceive her bountiful bosoms jiggles as she leaned 90 degress, even if she wore an appron as the outer layer. 'This is no time nor the place to awaken, little brother!' Wang Jun spoke inwardly, tightening his crotch with both thighs.

Alas, he faked a cough to wash down the awkwardness. "Ahem... Eye-glasses? Did you mean she will appear before my eyes if I wear this?"

"Correct, Master Wang. You'll understand if you wear it."

Thus, Wang Jun wore the eye-glasses and the wireless headset. Soonly enough, Bai Ning's virtual avatar appeared before his eyes. Wang Jun even had to put on and off of the glasses to make sure he's not tripping due to the prolonged duration inside the game.

"I'll be damned... This thing is legit!' Wang Jun said, inwardly.

She wore a flowery long dress, her coquettish smile plastered on her face. Her shiny gray-ish hair cascaded freely upon her shoulder, covering her sizable bosoms. Somehow, she was so playful unlike the first he met with her on the other day.

"Aylin, Ayla… Rosetta. You all are dismissed." Bai Ning said via the headset.

The maids soon left the room after a respectfull bow. Wang Jun could easily recognize which name was whom by looking at their micro expression.

The two maids, Aylin was the taller while Ayla was the younger one. And for Rosetta, was the milf maid with voluptuos figure.

"Good morning, Master Wang!" Bai Ning's sharp, high pitched voice made him flinched "I apologize to meeting you like this, but as you already know, my physical body is frail and weak. Thus, I had to upload my whole consciuosness to the system!" She said, she seated on the empty chair.

Wang Jun rested his arm, holding his chin with left hand. "Are you the real Bai Ning? Not an A.I who tried to fool me?"

"Hmph!" Bai Ning pouted, crossed both arms across her chest, lifting up her voluptuos bosoms. "That's very rude of you, Master Wang! I can't believe it!"

Wang Jun chuckled jovially. "I am just kidding..."

"Fufu, I know..." She replied with a charming smile.

They had a bashful morning, talking about the weather and such, a simple pleasantries to begin this beautiful morning while he enjoys his breakfast. Until... Bai Ning said something that made him almost lost his cools.

"Say, Master Wang... Do you like the world that I created?" Bai Ning said, calmly.

Wang Jun's hand stopped moving, setting aside the dish and wiped his lips. He drank his tea to calm himself before answering her enigmatic question.

"That world... is not a mere digital world made from binary codes and zillion bites of data, is it?"

Bai Ning smiled enigmaticly, a hint of amusement gleamed in her eyes. "But of course... I have told you, Virtual Insanity is not a mere childish game, did I?"

"You certainly did," Wang Jun hummed. "Meaning, those NPCs are also real people with real blood and flesh?"

"As real as they can get. Why? Humans are easy to farm anyway. Let them eat, sleep, copulate and repeat. And voila, the humans' population shall explode in a blink of an eye."

Instead of feeling disturbed by her radical words, Wang Jun felt the strange same ideology as her. True, humans population was so dense, especially in big cities, everybody racing to survive for another day but there's no finish line before their eyes except the death itself. It would be much better if the number are reduced, not entirely, but enough to call it as 'Natural Selection'. Like what had happened in the old days throughout the historh of humans.

"Correct me if I am wrong..." Wang Jun arranged his words very carefully before he spat them out. "You are... a Goddess of that world, You invited us, humans of this small planets called Earth, to invade your world, by using the VR Headgear to transfer their soul into that world... For fun and games?"

"You are most perceptive, Master Wang! Let me introduce myself once again. My name is Nüwa. The Goddess of Creation in that world which you fondly adressed as Virtual Insanity." She replied without a pang of slightest remorse.

Wang Jun chuckled once again, though this time there's a hint of insanity in his voice. "So... what do you want me to do, Lady Nüwa? Annihilating the half of the human's population in your world?"

"I am not suggesting you to go that far... However, I'll need you to put an end of my existence at the end of your journey and that world shall be yours to rule as you see it fit."

"Are you sick? Why you wished for dead when you could live for eternity?!"

"Perhaps I am. Evenmore, what's the meaning of 'Eternal Life' when you had to live it in eternal loneliness?"