018: Virtual Insanity.tv


[Congratulations! You have ascended to 9th Stage Body Foundation!]

[You have obtained 8.000 EXP!]

[Your character had leveled up to Level 10!]

[All stats have increased by +40]

[You have obtained 8 Skill Points]

[You have obtained 80 Bonus Stats Points!]

Wang Jun awakened from his meditation state as the system notified his progress after he entered his seclusion.

Once the Primeval Qi had stabilized inside his Dantian, Wang Jun could feel his body brimming with vitality albeit he had fasted for ten days straight without sleep, eat nor drink.

He then opened his status window to see his progress.

[Name: Wang Jun]

[Soul Aptitude Level: Level 100]

[Race: Higher Demon]

[Class: Emperor: Demon Venerable]

[Character Level: 10]

With the basic stats reward and added the 80 bonus stats, Wang Jun ended up with this result:


[HP: 2.000/2.000]

[DP: 500/500]

[STR: 95] [INT: 85]

[P.DEF: 85] [WIS: 75]

[M.DEF: 85] [LUCK: 60]

[DEX: 90] [CHARISMA: 95]

Wang Jun cocked both of his eyebrows upon reading the status. Powerful is understatement, this was beyond broken.

"This is no joke! I can feel my body brimming with power!" Wang Jun mused. "Hmm? Should I test this new power? Hunting some beast in the forest or killing other players perhaps?"

He quickly dismissed the idea upon looking at the status of his real body outside the game.

Beep, beep.

Although he wants to continue cultivating the Primeval Qi, however, the menu window which displayed the constitution of his real body spoke otherwise. It showed him his hunger level, hydration and many other things that he need to attend. It's been ten hours since he logged in into the game. Too much gaming would result in various health issues.

Thus, he put off his VR Headgear and woke up with a sluggish feel all over his body. Like having a prolonged sleep and woke up at noon.

He opened his eyes just to see four professor in their lab jackets looming over him.

The lead professor, Tang Sung, checked Wang Jun's vital sign on his tablet. He nodded in satisfaction when all diagrams were green, no issues whatsoever.

"All is good. Welcome back, Master Wang." Said the middle aged professor.

Wang Jun frowned, he remembered this middle aged man was called by surname, Tang by Bai Ning before he logged in ten hours ago. As far as he knows, this person was in charge for monitoring his progress both in game and real world.

"En... Thank you, Mr. Tang. Also, could you please stop adress me with 'Master'? Its irked me to be honest."

"I beg your pardon, but I couldn't possibly do that since Lady Bai Ning adressed you in such."

"Urgh, fine then... whatever. Anyway, can I get a glass of water, please?"

Afterward, as if it was cued, two maids entered the bunker, one of them bringing a tray of refreshment for Wang Jun. He drank the fresh brewed tea and gulped down the bao buns in gusto, leaving no leftovers.

Knowing that Wang Jun was in dire need to use the restroom, the two maids ushered him to the villa and they arrived at his private living quarter shortly after.

Wang Jun panned his view in amazement. The room was even more spacious than his old apartment. It has Master Bedroom, Guest's Bedroom with their own respective bathroom so they could have a bit of privacy. Sizable closet room, fully stored with the latest fashions, and also broad view frameless glass window that offer him full view of the valley below the villa.

"Here is your room, Master Wang. Please kindly as to call us if you need anything." The two maids bowed respectfully and left the room.

Wang Jun wants to inquire their name but the 'nature call' urging him to use the bathroom above all else. Not even a world catastrophy would stop him to have his... 'me time'.


"Phew! That was refreshing." Wang Jun threw himself onto the sofa after he took care his "nature call", had lenghty and relaxing bath, changing to fresh and fragrance clothes which were prepared by the maids ahead of time. He's now wearing a comfy and warm bath robe, of course he wore his underpants beneath which also provided in the drawer.

Wang Jun looked at the ceiling above him, remeniscing the eventful days in his life inside the game. For him... as someone who recognize his own 'real life' as a daydream, living inside the game was akin to reality itself. He felt belonged in the Virtual Insanity, a fleeting feeling soon flashed in his heart, he wants to be reincarnated to that world.

'That... strange feeling when I absorb the Primeval Qi still linger and pricking on my skin. Sigh... Am I have gone crazy? Or Am I just disturbed?'

Wang Jun was aware this was just phycological side-effect for playing a Full Dive MMORPG. He still has his mother who needs him the most. Wang Xiyin was his sole reason to stay existing in the real world and Wang Jun gave her the strength to fight the breast cancer that devouring her vitality by each passing day with her sheer will.

'Stay true to yourself, Wang Jun! Your mother still need you!' He slapped both of his cheek to wake up his reasoning.

A moment later, Wang Jun decided to surf the internet to read the latest news about Virtual Insanity.

As expected, the gamers community in all platforms were talking about Virtual Insanity: Cultivator in The Digital World.

Some appraising how well the game was made, meanwhile, there were also these 'SJWs' and the 'Wokes' community who couldn't stop yapping about the immoral content inside the game.

Wang Jun couldn't care less about the latter, though. He sighed heavily, "This bunch of a spineless swains..."

For him, those kind of people were just miserable bunch who could do nothing but whining about their miserable life yet still have the time to type thousands of words about them, being weak to certain sensitive topics, instead of working their ass and face the real world!

Shortly after, he stumbled upon the Virtual_Insanity.tv. A streaming platform which was dedicated solely for the game to ensure the players and viewers has the common consent for what they do in the game without so many restriction of the laws thingy which often hindrance the player to do more.

Since the Virtual_Insanity.tv was existed in the 'Stand Alone Server' which separated from any major server in the world, the viewers has the right to request the players to do 'anything' they want to see. To put it shortly, Virtual Insanity was outside the jurisdiction of the current laws. A truly absolute freedom of gaming industry.

As for the currencies if you may ask? The Seven World. Ltd had launched the V.I Coins, the digital currency which can be used for any means of trade both inside the game between player to buy any items in the game. Untraceable, and free of taxes.

The players and viewers can buy this V.I Coin for $1/100 V.I Coins, a very reasonable price for gamers and viewers who willing to spent thousands of dollars for tipping and donations to their favorite streamers.

Age restrictions? Hoo boy… you better not letting your 'younger' relatives or family to enter this world.

Register your name, virtual wallet, and pay the subscription and that's it. You can enjoy the sickest, craziest and wicked streamer of your choice. But of course, you have to find the player who dare to challenge the society's common senses and general morality.

A broad smile appeared on Wang Jun's face after reading various news that circulating in the community world wide.

"Hehehe! Let's see... how many wicked and insane people out there who willing to pay to watch the abomination that will unfold in Virtual Insanity!"