030: New Talent!

By the time Wang Jun had wrapped up the fight, he then catalogued his items and raw materials inside the Sea of Abyss while also recuperating and healing his wounds. Various items and raw materials littered before him, he even had the hard time to arrange them all in orderly manner.

Thus, he gathered six, most valuable items in his disposals which came from the Chimera Lion drop items:

[Chimera Lion's Beast Core]

[Eyes of the Six Eyed, Six Winged Chimera Lion]

[Six Wings of the Six Eyed, Six Winged Chimera Lion]

[Chimera Claws]

[Chimera Lion's Snake Tails]

[Chimera Lion's Fangs]

The utility guide for these raw materials made Wang Jun chuckled all alone by himself inside the Sea of Abyss. Each of them has various effects and abilities that he could obtain if he eats them raw.

The Six Wings will grant him ability to grows six wings on his back and use them to fly if he able to ingest them. Wang Jun thought, 'For sure it would be look so cool and very usefull if I have three pairs of demonic looking wings on my back! But it will cause me a quite the headache to cover my true identity in the long run. But, it would be different story if I able to procure any kinds of disguise skill."

The Claws and The Fangs were also Ultra Rare items, could be used as raw materials to make Ultra Rare weapons or grinded into fine powder and used as medicine. The Snake Tails, though they are highly poisonous, their venom was a valuable ingredient to make a high-quality potions if treated with care in the right person's hands.

Chimera Lion eyes that gleamed before him like six crimson gems, piqued his interest the most. They stared at him as if those eyes still inherit the Chimera Lion's will.

[Eyes of the Six Eyed, Six Winged Chimera Lion]

[Rarity: Ultra Rare]

[You can eat these eyes to learn their ability to detect Spiritual Qi and perceive the Spiritual Dimension that coexist with Physical World and many great things that couldn't be perceived by mortal's eyes.]

[Warning: Highly poisonous items, use them responsibly.]

He corked an eyebrow upon reading 'Spirit World'. As an Asian himself, the legends, myths and even the unexplainable occurances in the past that had been told has connections with supranatural things were had been ingrained deep in his DNA.

Wang Jun was a non-believer of Spirit, Ghost and the others, he was not until a literal, beautiful, sexy Goddess, had decided to make contact with him and introduce him to this wondrous world where the current humans scientific feat couldn't even fathom how this world's work.

"Spiritual Dimension? Another world within another world, huh? This 'Physical World' itself was quite the 'alien' world for me already. Meaning, the Spiritual Beast has different perspective about this world and they saw more things than humans did. But… how I could ingest this posionous items?"

Wang Jun thought various ways how to consume this eyes, purifying them might be the most viable option, but there's no saying these delicates items would be intact if being introduced with heat and sharp knives to dissect them apart layer by layer to detoxify them.

"Eating them raw is the best method, however, I have to able to outheal the continuous damage that would be caused by the poison. Welp… No pain, no gain. The bigger the risk, the reward shall be greater!"

Alas, he scrolled the Shop Window Menu to buy many Health Potions, Rejuvenation Potions, Stamina Points. He bought five of each just in case. He spent all of his money for these expensive potions on a whim. Now he was broke as heck and only have 2 Gold Coins in his disposal.

His thoughts were wandering and about. He was practically gambled with his life now. His money was barely enough for the lodging and the meals for three days upon returning to the Starto Village.

But he's certain that Mei Lan would let her money flow freely from her wallet, even without him asking if she knew he had nothing to give, or so he wished her to be.

"No, that's a very dangerous thoughts, Wang Jun!" He dismissed the thought of relying others to survive at once. His eyes turned cold and indifferent.

'If Mei Lan ought to leave my side upon knowing that I am broke and had no money, than so be it! I won't let myself indebted without an obvious cause. Though as my payback, I shall usurp her belonging and sell her to a brothel. Nothing personal, but this is how we play in this dog eat dog world.'

That's for the worst case scenario, however. Wang Jun truly expect Mei Lan to be his partner for many years to come and maybe live happily with her though it was just for a brief moment. He want to trust and loves her, but he need the certainty that she would never betray him.


"Alrighty!" Wang Jun gulped his dry saliva, two big crimson eyes and the other four smaller eyes lined before him, the potions were arranged around him.

Without any further thought, he took a bite on those eyes, devouring them within a few minutes. Blood drenched on his neck, all of his clothes were singed and tainted in crimson color.

As he gulped the last bite, the poison soon kicked in, he almost threw up everything that he had ate, but he closed his mouth tightly. He could see his HP Bar dropped rapidly like a leaking bucket.

The immeasureable pain was all over his body, Wang Jun could feel everything inside him was burning, every muscle on his body was tensed. As if there was a sun inside and being stabbed by a hail of countless spears in the same time.

[You had eaten Eyes of Six Eyed, Six Winged Chimera Lion!]

[Your body is poisoned! Ingest two vials of Healing Potions at once!]

After he ingested the Healing Potions, his HP had stopped falling, it shows +200 HP/S, however, there was a red text before him that says -250 HP/S. Meaning, his was clinging on the thin line between life and death! The Healing Potions duration effect would not last any longer.

[Your organ is falling! Ingest three vials of Rejuvenation Potions at once!]