031: The All Seeing Eyes

Wang Jun drank three vials of Rejuvenation Potions in one go after he read the instructions on the screen. The pain gradually dissipates but the numbness rendered his limbs paralyzed.

As his senses had returned, Wang Jun drank two medium sized bottles of Stamina Potions to fight the fatigues. His stats points that once dwindled to almost zero had raised again to his peak performance.

This was also one meticulous realistic detail about this game.

Unlike mainstream games out there where you would get fixed amount of stats points upon leveling up and abusing your skills to defeat an enemy, in this game, however, if your stamina run low, the damage output would also dwindled since the stats point would drop almost by half if you were in Exhausted State.

Wang Jun's aware he couldn't just get outside his Sea of Abyss, especially when he was in the extremely hostile region where a high leveled Spirit Beast would sprang and attack from the blind spot.

"Good, my strength had returned, but my muscles still tensed all over the place. It would be too risky if I come out now."

Eventually, his body temperature went down to normal, his breath was in order once again and his HP restored bit by bit. Some time later, the bell chimed again in a cheerful tone.


[You have successfully ingested Eyes of the Six Eyed, Six Winged Chimera Lion!]

[You have obtained a new Talent: All Seeing Eyes!]

[Now you can perceive the Spiritual Dimension and many other things that could not be perceived by mortal's eyes!]

Wang Jun was delighted upon reading the notification. He then checked his avatar on the menu to see how he looked. It was very noticeable that his eyes had undergone drastic change.

His scleras had turned dark, the retinas were bright crimson with a bit of golden-ish color towards the middle. The vertical and sharp pupils resembled that of a true demon.

"If I ate all of the Chimera Lion's body parts, my appearance would surely change and truly resemble that of a demon." Wang Jun sighed, a part of his humane side regretted his immature decision. "I should have obtained Disguise Skill before I ate those eyes."

"Welp, who cares? If people start to hate me for who I have become and get in my way, that's a good riddance for their life!"

Feeling motivated, Wang Jun is determined to uncover more secrets and get stronger. He had no time to listen to other people's opinions and let himself be affected by their trash talk.

As his eyes got used to the surroundings, he began to see what the system meant about many other great things that couldn't be perceived by mortal's eyes.

The Sea of Abyss that he thought was just a simple pseudo-dimension to store his items and materials for once, now he could perceive the countless stars, nebulas and galaxies beyond this small bubble amidst the boundless and infinite space.

He was nailed in place, obviously not because of the poisonous eyes that he deliberately ate in gusto, but by the sheer size of the universe that he could perceive!

He felt so small, in fact, being called as a measly insect amidst this seemingly infinite universe was already a compliment. He was nothing but just a speck of dust!

Millions lightyears away from him, he saw a beautiful plane adorned with countless spires and palaces situated above colorful stardust whose size was unfathomable in mortal's perspective. It was huge, massive, gargantuan, you name it, even Wang Jun himself couldn't really describe it.

Little did he know, that plane was called: The Heavenly Land of Gods. A home for the Gods and Goddess of this universe. At the highest plateau, there was a palace with a tallest spire amongst the many. Atop of it, there was also a huge bird cage, painted in black and has so many layers of barriers and intricate runes, the very place where Nüwa resided at. Secluded and severed from her own beloved world that she created.

Wang Jun could feel her presence so close to his heart and yet still very far away to reach her.

Instead of feeling dejected and discouraged, Wang Jun was fired up since he now could see where his destination and goal was.

"Is there where you live and spend your eternal loneliness, Nüwa? Don't worry, I shall come to your side and kill you."

Suddenly, numerous Divine Consciousness bombarded Wang Jun's Sea of Abyss, the residents of that land were curious, which mortal who dared prying unto the Realm of Gods!

Wang Jun was undaunted, even if his soul was being crushed by those Divine Presences that came towards him at the same time.


He mustered all his power and strength to resist the sheer force of pressure that could even flatten a mountain.

Irritated by Wang Jun's perseverance, one of the Gods shot a laser beam that traveled faster than lightspeed!

However, his Sea of Abyss was crafted by Nüwa herself, it wouldn't break by this childish prank.

[Don't you dare to die before you can kill me, my dearest.]

Wang Jun chuckled jovially upon reading Nüwa's personal message to him aside from the mundane System that she bestowed upon him.

"Thank you, milady."


Meanwhile, in the Heavenly Land of Gods.

A God, a very powerful one at that, climbed the tallest spire to meet with the Goddess of Creation of this universe, the one and only Goddess who survived the Great War between the original Gods of this universe and the Gods who came from another universe.

Upon reaching the highest floor, he saw the figure of a beautiful woman sitting leisurely in her cage while looking at the Crystal Sphere, a Divine Grade Device that she used to pry on mortal's realm.

"Nüwa!" He called her name without any modicum of respect.

Nüwa turned her head, looking at him with the corner of her eyes. "If it isn't the Almighty God of Thunder, Zuh Tsu himself? To what do I owe for the pleasure?"


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