069: Shui and Yuye

The two Forest Fairies gazed at Mei Lan intensely as if to scrutinize her decision to buy them. If anything, these winged, long-eared fairies preferred death rather than being enslaved for centuries to come.

Mr. Paopao, the big-bellied, white-haired old man tugged the chains that shackled their necks and handed them to Mei Lan.

The Princess of the Catsith tribe was unhappy to see her long-lost friends being treated no less than dogs that were ready to be butchered.

Their once vibrant hair was no longer emitting their ethereal elemental aura. Their prideful wings were already ripped from their back, rendering them unable to fly as they used to.

"Hey! Introduce your name to your new master! Tsk! Ungrateful wretch!"

"My name is Shui." Said the pale blue-haired fairy in a hoarse voice.

The other fairy with clouded green eyes speaks afterward, "And my name is Yuye."