070: Blazing Inferno amidst the street

As Zhou Tian Ge and his second brother were after Mei Lan's carriage, a young man in a deep blue robe suddenly stood in front of them. His long-tied hair fluttered by the wind, crossing his arms before his broad chest. A wicked grin plastered on his face, like a madman who always seeks a battle between life and death.

It wasn't long before Zhou Tian Ge recognized this young man who stood before him with maniacal eyes.

Soon enough, the commotion made the crowd turn their head toward them. They weren't stupid enough to figure out what was happening. A battle between cultivators was as deadly as it could get,

They quickly closed their doors and windows, the roadside merchants packed up their tents hastily before being caught in a brutal fight.

"Hmph! I've seen your face during the action. I see, you must be her lowly bodyguard. Step away, before I crush your bone into powder!"