Dressing Up or Not?

After Priscilla put the twins to bed, she glammed up. She put up a fancy dress and a dash of makeup. When she came downstairs, she found Kestrel still in her everyday clothes, daydreaming by the window. Kestrel seemed like a normal, quiet beta, perhaps a tad dreamier than most. But Priscilla had a hunch that this was all a front. Kestrel was playing it safe to blend in with the "rules" here.

"Everyone's got a mask, but only some folks are brave enough to take it off," Priscilla thought.

"Where'd you get this dress, Kestrel? Looks kinda big on you," she asked.

Kestrel usually wore the standard-issue white dress from the academy. Today, she'd come in a pitch-black gown. It made her look ghostly and gaunt, emphasizing her slender figure and pale skin. But it was too intense, too stark—not what a beta would typically wear.

"I don't know. Found it at home, must be mom's," Kestrel replied.

She knew she needed to dress up for the party. However, all she cared about was having a dress and wearing it. It didn't matter if it suited her or made her look like a beta.

"It's too big. Let me fix it for you," Priscilla said, getting her sewing kit. She started fixing the dress's waist and hem.

"Your mom was an Alpha, right?" she asked, cutting the thread. She knew a bit about Kestrel's past.

"Yes," Kestrel said, touching the dress softly. "She was tall and fast. A strong woman. I dreamt about her the other day."

When the dress was fixed, Priscilla took Kestrel's hand and spun her around.

The dark, raven-like outer dress, the grayish underdress, and the shaded hem. The only decoration was a line of sparkly gems from the waist down. Kestrel looked like a fairy, ready to fly off any second.

Priscilla was stunned. For a moment, she thought this otherworldly vibe suited a beta. But she quickly snapped out of it, thinking, "No, no, this won't do."

She started doing Kestrel's hair and got her makeup kit.

Kestrel stopped her, refusing.

"Makeup's not just for others, it's for you," Priscilla thought, chuckling. "Even male betas and alphas dress up for these things."

"If it's for me, then I should want it before I receive it," Kestrel said, shaking her head. She hated the feel of makeup, and her tendrils hated it more. They rose one by one, their suction cups opening and closing to show their distaste.

Priscilla held up a tube of lipstick and said, "At least try some lipstick. I made it myself with beeswax and rose oil. It smells great and is a little sweet."

Hearing it was sweet, Kestrel licked her lips and agreed.

The two girls got ready, holding up their dresses, and headed outside in a rush.

Priscilla's backyard was gorgeous, full of different flowers. Champagne-colored roses bloomed this time of year. The two ran hand-in-hand through the dewy flowers, feeling the cool and smooth touch of each other's skin.

A snow goose took off after them. It was Priscilla's psychic incarnation. The pure white bird soared over the flowers, let out a clear call, and flew up high, circling far above.

Priscilla noticed her bird didn't fly much these days. But she saw Kestrel up ahead, in her dark dress, her psychic incarnations moving in the shadows of the trees and flowers. In the dim light, her now colored lips curved slightly, almost smiling.

Priscilla had known Kestrel for years but rarely saw her smile. "She's leaving to live the life she wants," this thought suddenly hit Priscilla, leaving her shocked and a bit sad.


At the Earl's Mansion, alphas were busy in the lounge. They ironed their clothes, styled their hair, and some put on foundation in front of the mirror.

Nothing too fancy—some powder, eyebrow makeup, and lipstick were common.

A fancy banquet was to be held here that night, with many high-ranking people, ministers, and even royals coming.

As alphas from the capital's Public Security Department, they had to secure the banquet.

The capital was safe under the Tower's holy light, so no scary pollution could get close. Living here, being stylish and good-looking could often be more important than fighting skills. It was a point of pride for the alphas.

Even though they were only patrolling the banquet, nobody wanted to look bad in front of such important people.

So, getting glammed up was important, they all agreed.

If one of the nobles took a liking to them, their lives could change forever.

"Ren, let me help you get ready," offered Hanson, an alpha who was a grade behind Ren in the alpha academy.

Ren, lounging in a chair with his legs stretched out, held Hanson's wrist and shook his head.

Hanson looked around.

Everyone else was busy getting ready, so no one was watching them.

"Let me clean you up a bit, at least," he said in a low voice. "Look, everyone's doing it."

He knew people had been treating Ren coldly since he came back a few days ago. It wasn't because Ren had been gone for so long that they'd forgotten him, but because the academy principal's opinion of Ren was still unclear.

But Hanson remembered how he was always picked on and crying when he first joined the alpha academy.

Back then, it was Ren who stepped in to stop the bullies, pulling him out of that miserable time.

In a low voice, he said, "Mr. Chow likes us a little dressed up."

Ren squeezed his wrist, looked at him for a bit, then let go.

Hanson was glad. He had a good eye for detail and was great with his hands. Thanks to these skills, he was chosen by the previous principal, now the Head of Public Security, Cass, to join this banquet.

Getting ready, putting on makeup… He knew for Ren, an alpha fresh from fighting, this might feel like being humiliated.

But it wasn't like they had a choice. To live in the capital, a place where there was a lot of waste and showing off, you had to follow the rules to stay and survive—bowing your heads, putting on makeup, acting as decorations at noble parties.

Hanson was happy Ren listened to him, as this change might make life a bit easier for Ren. He knew Ren must have had a tough few years. Now Hanson just wondered wat kind of sad things could change a happy person into someone so quiet and serious.

Hanson styled Ren's bangs up, giving him a clean look. He cut the hair at his temples neatly and lightly applied foundation to make his skin look smooth.

Ren leaned back in his chair, eyes closed, letting Hanson fuss over him. Only when Hanson tried to apply lipstick did Ren open his eyes, shake his head, and stop him.

Ren stood up, removing the hairstyling cape. As he got up, everyone in the lounge looked at him.

He was already tall, even among the alphas. His strong, upright figure gave off a vibe that none of the other alphas had.

Whether it was his walk, his posture, or how his eyes scanned the room, everything about him was steadier, sharper, with a touch of toughness from fighting.

Before, they thought he was fierce, but now, after Hanson's grooming, his edges were a bit softer, showing his good looks.

So, the famous Empire's Blade was actually handsome.

Ren stood up, buttoned his uniform, his eyes as cold as a frozen ocean, scanning everyone.

He put on his black gloves, attached his weapon to his belt, and walked out of the room.

Cass was giving Jax and the others their assignments for the night.

Of course, as the Head of Public Safety, he didn't have to worry about small details.

He had many reliable assistants. He just had to give orders and guide them at important moments, showing his authority.

Cass had specific standards for choosing his team members. Those alphas who made the cut were expected to be both attractive and tall, regardless of whether they were male or female.

He understood that to thrive in the glamorous, high-stakes world of the elite, everything had to align with their tastes.

This was his recipe for success, one that had taken him from being a principal all the way to his current stature.

Then, he saw Ren walk in.

Everyone present couldn't help but notice the striking alpha.

Ren's unique appearance and quiet demeanor, his broad shoulders and narrow waist, long legs, and the distinct stride of a soldier were all mesmerizing. Ren approached Cass's desk and respectfully addressed him.

Cass sat there, looking up at him. Seeing Ren's well-styled hair and refined face, Cass couldn't help but smile.

Out of all the alpha he had mentored over the years, Ren stood out as a remarkable talent. In his youth, Ren shone as brightly as the sun, his light impossible to hide; however, he was also incredibly proud and independent, a wild spirit that refused to be restrained.

Cass remembered the times when Ren would bring back the title of Champion from the Alpha Academy Tournament. Everyone wanted to meet him.

Cass would ask Ren to dress up and accompany him to the banquets that were so exclusive that even ordinary people would do anything to get an invite.

But Ren always stubbornly refused.

Every time Cass asked him to neaten his hair or change into formal attire, Ren acted as though it was the worst thing in the world.

Ren, the disobedient student, would always vanish when he was most needed. He never cared about maintaining appearances, and no amount of punishment seemed to affect him. Finally, due to some intolerable incidents, the relationship between the teacher and student completely broke down.

In truth, Cass did like Ren. Ren was like a fine blade, fierce and durable, highly efficient when needed. What Cass wanted, however, was a tool, a loyal servant, not a young man who was always opposing him.

Cass thought to himself, "What good does all that pride do back in the day? Most people have been young and proud, but few can live in this world while maintaining their integrity. Actually, no one could."

So, when he saw Ren dressing up like everyone else and standing before him, Cass felt a deep sense of satisfaction. It was as if all his pores were breathing a sigh of relief.

He was always generous towards capable kid who knew what was needed. So, he made a point to stand up from behind his desk, walked over to Ren, patted his shoulder, and displayed a kind smile.

"Ren, you've been back for a few days now. Tonight, you and Jax will accompany me to the Earl's banquet."