Ren's Little Trick

When night fell, many city folks were already tucked into bed. Exhausted from a day of hard work and bellies rumbling with hunger, people would hit the sack early to forget their gnawing hunger. Women, anxious about their nearly bare pantries and what to whip up for tomorrow's meals, struggled to fall asleep. Kids, lost in dreamland, would hope for even a tiny, shriveled apple.

Yet, far from these less affluent areas, in the city's heart, the night's real buzz was just starting.

The Earl's massive mansion was lit up like a giant Christmas tree for the massive shindig. Pastries smothered in cream and syrup were everywhere, practically free for the taking. There were piles of fresh fruit, newly plucked flowers, juicy lamb chops, and oysters just shucked by chefs. The scent of different wines wafted in the air. Stuff you'd never spot in the everyday parts of town, like 3D light shows, filled the space. The room was a whirlwind of people, drinks, and colors.

All the guests were decked out in snazzy suits and gowns, all being super polite. It felt like this world was naturally overflowing and dreamlike. There were no signs of the desolate areas known as the Polluted Zone, or the creepy monsters that dwelt there. Before everyone took a swig from their glasses, they'd say, "Hail to the Tower."

The Tower was what kept the city safe, the final safe haven for the Empire, the only paradise left. The Tower's magical light enveloped the land forever, keeping it pristine and preserving the Empire's dignity. Unlike those living in the far-flung outposts, always fretting about the Polluted Zone, life near the Tower was safe, dependable, a place to live without a worry.

Cass, leading two alphas, was weaving through the crowd. He'd lift his glass to greet acquaintances, having chummy chats.

"It's been a while since we've seen the Queen. I hope we can hear her sage words again soon."

"It appears they've uncovered some relics in Polluted Zone 5. The Countess is quite intrigued by what's inside."

People here would just cautiously say harmless and pleasant things like this.

Cass, from a once noble family that had fallen from grace, had climbed the ladder from a humble alpha to the alpha academy's principle, and now the head of the Public Security Department. Now in his fifties, he was still spry. His alpha coolness blended with the poise of a seasoned principal made him a standout. As he moved around, he was trailed by two tall and handsome young man, which drew quite a few glances.

Lots of guests walked up, making small talk with him on purpose. The Countess, leading a gaggle of ladies, strutted by, holding her dress high. Hiding her face behind a feathered fan, she sneaked a quick look his way from under her thick lashes. Cass smoothly put down his drink, letting out a laugh as he excused himself to those around him, "I'm sorry, but I need to do my rounds. We can't have any slip-ups at the Earl's party."

People complimented his commitment and showed understanding. After all, everyone knew that the man standing in front of them, the head of the Public Security Department, got to his position with the Earl's backing.

The Earl's party room was huge, featuring a garden, walkways, a pond, and plenty of fancy restrooms outside the main hall. After all, on nights like this, with alcohol and magical lights at play, things that everyone knew about but didn't discuss would happen.

As one of the Earl's guys, Cass even had his own private rest area. Inside was a swanky couch, a cozy bed, a closet, and a wine rack.

Cass picked two wine glasses from the rack, holding and checking them out. Jax, who knew the room well, yanked open a drawer, getting out a secret fragrance blend to burn in the incense burner. The room's air soon filled with a faint sweet smell.

Ren stood there, keeping his face unchanged but slightly wrinkling his forehead. He was an alpha, they all were. Alphas have sharp senses, especially their sense of smell. The smell in the room sneaked into their bodies through their noses, like it could decay their bones and nerves, making him feel uneasy.

Jax nudged him, leading him out of the bedroom and standing guard outside, giving him a wink and a you'll-get-the-hang-of-it look.

Before long, the high-class Countess, her face covered with her feathered fan, elegantly arrived all by herself. Jax quickly bowed to open the door for her. The Countess didn't say anything or even look at him, walking straight in.

Jax shut the door, keeping his bow, standing silently outside for a bit. He stood up and let out a sigh when he was sure there were no new orders from inside, leading Ren to rest in the neighboring tea room.

"Don't always be so stiff, Ren, loosen up a bit." Jax slouched in the tea room's only chair, his legs on the table, "Look at you, always standing so erect. That won't fly here, this isn't the army."

To fit in in a place like this, the most important thing was to be able to bow like him, always ready to handle all of his bosses' private business.

"Now you gotta listen to me, I'll teach you slowly, we were such good friends before." Jax found Ren funny, the guy was still like a border guard, standing erect all the time, his hands in black gloves held in front of him. He was like a tightly wound string.

"It's no biggie, it's pretty usual among them. The Earl has his own sweethearts too. To say Mr. Chow depends on the Earl's backing is less accurate, rather, he leans more on going under the Countess' dresses."

"At this moment, we can chill a bit, brew some tea, even catch some sleeps if we want," Jax grinned, pointing at the tightly shut, soundproof bedroom door, showing Ren that he was the one who knew all about Cass.

"They'll be in there for quite a while, one to two hours. Do you have any idea how many layers the Countess's dress has? They also have to sniff the incense, oh, that's a top-notch one, you haven't come across it. The smell can get people buzzed, make them forget all their worries, and time zips by incredibly fast there. You should give it a shot if you get the chance." Jax lounged in the chair, his feet up on the table, his gaze on Ren as he spoke.

Hearing Jax's words, Ren indeed made a move. He strolled over to the tea table, picked up a ceramic teacup with a golden edge using his gloved hands, carefully made a cup of black tea, added milk and sugar cubes, and offered it to Jax.

"People's dignity falls so fast once the lesson's learned," Jax thought. Back in the day, he was the one who happily trailed behind Ren, fetching him tea and water, while Ren making tea for him and serving it to him was something he had never even dared to dream of.

Jax sat there, staring at the cup of black tea served to him, and Ren's slender fingers in black gloves, steadily holding the delicate and fragile ceramic cup, waiting for him to take it.

Jax happily accepted the cup, took a leisurely sip. The tea was rich and sweet, with a slight bitterness. In the cup, the tea's surface was covered with a layer of white milk mist, reflecting the faces of Ren and himself.

In the wisps of steam coming off the tea, Jax vaguely remembered his student days. Young Ren, with his black-gloved fingers clinging to the brick wall, twisted his sturdy waist and climbed over the towering wall of the alpha academy in a few steps. That rebellious king of soldiers was squatting on the wall, looking down at him and laughing, "Hurry up, Jax, are you coming or not?"

Ren back then was the unattainable moon in the sky. He dared to do anything he wanted. He dared to break the school rules and rough up a jerk who tried to bother a female classmate. He dared to defy the teacher, hitting the battlefield to save a wounded buddy. He even wasn't scared of the principal. That kind of guts was legendary in the hearts of all students.

Maybe it was the warmth of the tea, or Ren's surrender, that made Jax relax a little. For some reason, he started to feel sleepy, his eyelids were getting heavy and he couldn't keep them open. In a blur, he saw a pair of black gloves taking the cup from his hand. The delicate, fragile tea cup was gently taken away and placed in the sink to be cleaned.

"Ren wouldn't still want to do something naughty like he used to, would he?" This thought strangely popped into Jax's head just before he sunk into deep sleep.